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10/6/2019 12:19:46 PM

Bungie, please remove the restrictions on Armor and Mod combinations

It's annoying that we have to have specific elements (Void, Arc, Solar) for certain mods. Some Exotics have no place in certain builds now because of it. Armor 2.0 was supposed to enable us to have more customization options but with the combo restrictions and the insane cost of materials (and especially glimmer) needed, creating a build just isn't fun. It's a chore. Funnily enough, with the increased number of options and the ability to make very specific builds ( or at least attempt to), I've put less time into builds now than I ever have. Some of the restrictions seem like they exist just for the sake of having restrictions.

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  • Armor 2.0 is a tedious chore. I’m going to keep using my forsaken armor in Y3

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    8 Replies
    • The entire armor 2.0 system needs to go honestly. All it does is make me not even look at new armor that I get cuz why would i? If it isn't higher light than my current, it gets sold without a second thought.

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      8 Replies
      • I knew this would be an issue as soon as they revealed it

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        3 Replies
        • Either get rid of the restriction or let us reroll the element we get saddled with.

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        • I haven’t even looked at the mods let alone equipped any - I mean what’s the point I haven’t hit max power yet so every 10-20 mins I’ll have to do it all again anyway because I’ll find yet another blue that’s higher power then my equipped one. Just chill it’s bungie and bungie always screw things up at first and then spend the next 8 months fixing it all before another dlc comes out and screws some things up again 😂

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          2 Replies
          • They worked so hard on this system. No way they'll change it anytime soon.

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            3 Replies
            • I couldn’t agree more. How is Armor 2.0 any different than the armor before? With Armor 2.0 you have to have multiple copies of the same piece of gear in order to have the look you want with the perks you want. Now, look at previous armor. You had to have multiple copies of the same piece of gear to get the perks you wanted. If anything, Armor 2.0 is MORE restricting than previous armor...

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              2 Replies
              • Agreed. Also the cost of infusion is yet again ridiculous. It will force most of us into a cycle of gaining great rolls that we can’t use because we a) can’t afford the infusion cost to keep it relevant & b) can’t afford to keep unlocking nodes to allow us to equip mods on newly attained rolls we gain. Bungie please let us fully embrace this new armor system you have created - the mats/glimmer/cores & now dozens of other upgrade materials we now need to trade/procure is making this into a complicated and cluttered mess where we sit here thinking if it is indeed worth even bothering to begin with. How do we know what a good roll is? how long do you want us to wait before upgrading? please share the strategy you were hoping players would adopt with this? Was it don’t bother creating builds till you hit 960 power, and keep hold of any 61 point gear you grab along the way? I really don’t have the vault space or inclination to horde that much stuff on multiple characters it would be nice if we could use it to improve ourselves as we go rather than waiting till the end of the season when presumably the gear power climb will begin anew.

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                2 Replies
                • yeah, its pretty terrible. They could keep the progression of the element type for energy amount to be slotted - but just have it tied to resistance like before. We're getting pigeonholed into running certain things when we were supposed to have more freedoms.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Fully agree. It's so disappointing getting a new armor piece which has a higher power and decent stats and you go "Oh wow this is actually pretty go-...Oh nvm wrong element.." *Dismantles* I also thought armor 2.0 would let us customize our characters more but this was all partly a big lie. To customize we have to grind 10x more than before to get the armor we want to the slot we want with the energy we want with the element we want for it to then be equippable. Bungie, this is NOT IT!

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                    5 Replies
                    • Edited by LouieMags4: 10/7/2019 2:43:30 PM
                      100% agree with you. Elemental burns should be removed from armor mods immediately

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                      3 Replies
                      • Armor 2.0 sucks. I actually prefer 1.0. Energy affinity is just dumb and serves no purpose other than artificially extending the grind, probably to make up for the lack of DLC content. Plus the cost to masterwork 1 piece of armor to masterwork for full energy is ridiculously restrictive, let alone 4-5 pieces. Once again for bungie, decent idea, terrible execution. Bungie is working (not that) hard to erase all doubt that activision wasn't the issue.

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                        3 Replies
                        • Armor 2.0 the latest way to dictate you play.....

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                          2 Replies
                          • The Armor 2.0 system is a good idea in theory...but not in practice. The amount of time and effort needed to put together a good build is ridiculous. First you have to go find the armor set you want, then you have to go get all the mods you want, then you have to go and get all the resources to upgrade said armor(which takes a small eternity because there are very few efficient resource farms). Three things need to happen: 1. Locking certain mods behind certain elements needs to go. 2. The amount of mods you get and the rate at which you get them needs to be increased. 3. The cost to upgrade armor pieces needs to be cut in HALF(at least) Do that, and maybe the system would be good.

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                            2 Replies
                            • Once again, the good ol' Bungie Curse is here to stay. Bungie cannot have a single good idea without someone having a full-on brain spasm and then somehow convincing the dev team that extending game time with artificial grinds instead of actual loot is a good idea. It seriously needs to stop. [b]Bungie, stop doing it. You are just being difficult for the sake of being difficult. Just let us dictate what our time will be spent on in the game, not you.[/b]

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                              4 Replies
                              • Elemental restrictions are necessary to control the most OP builds and allow for adjustments in the future. Ex: smgs and grenade launchers are NOT on the same element so recluse/mt isn’t so ridiculous. If any other crazy loadouts come about, it’s easier to change hand cannons from void to solar than it is to nerf a weapon, archetype, or change how mods work. I think the answer is a middle ground. Keep the elements, but give us a way to reroll the element on our armor.

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                                1 Reply
                                • God damn, it's just insane people have to explain this to Bungie. Who at Bungie ever thought ANYONE would enjoy this element restrictions BS?

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                                  3 Replies
                                  • Edited by RockNotABoulder: 10/7/2019 7:50:39 PM
                                    I just want to put this out there. I really like shadow keep. It's a fun campaign and adds some unique ways of earning weapons. Comp is looking pretty great and I get a great deal of enjoyment out of it (even though switching to mouse and keyboard has put my skills in the dumpster). The new raid is a ton of fun, I got to the third encounter and then had to bail cause everyone was brain dead at that point. However, Armor 2.0 is Bungie's way of enforcing a grind before you get to your "pinnacle" power. I'm gonna get downvoted into hell for saying this, but I enjoy slowing building myself up to my maximum power. I don't enjoy being the strongest I can possibly be on day one. I get why some people do, and if I ever have the feeling that I want to do that I just put on my old god roll armor. You shouldn't have god roll armor on day one. With the new mod system it makes taking any armor piece and making it a god roll easy. The element system is put into place to make sure people don't get god rolls right off the bat. It's not the most awful thing though. The only thing you are missing out on are reload speeds and extra ammo. It's not worth losing your mind over. Hell if you like using Autos, Hand Cannons and Subs Bungie made perks on the artifact that give you enhanced reload on ANY armor. To summarize. Do I LOVE the new armor system? No. Do I think it makes a decent amount of sense? Yes! People are really in the mood for instant gratification these days and that's not what Destiny has been in a long time.

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                                    2 Replies
                                    • Not really a problem if you use the menagerie.

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                                    • I didn't even realise this. So I need to watch element wile also looking for the stats I want. Great.

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                                    • Chill, in like a month, everyone is going to have a full set of each element so they can put together most combinations. Having only one set makes it boring and nothing to chase. The DLC has only been out a week, you are not expected to have everything in a week...

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                                      14 Replies
                                      • That would be the biggest mistake they could make in the history of Destiny ... Luckily they will not listen to you because they want you to make DECISION

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                                      • That and please make the artifact mods for weapons a separate mod slot on weapons. Barrier mods, for example, should have me remove my boss damage mod...

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                                        1 Reply
                                        • You guys know that you can pick the Element of your armor at least for a couple of sets. Prior to Armor 2.0 I was grinding Menagerie to get different sets of the Dreaming City Armor for different Crucible Loadouts. So today I wanted to test if you can choose the element of the armor with the third rune slot like prior to 2.0. I did 7 runs. The element was the one I picked with the third slot every single time. So if I was not extremely lucky, this should still work like prior 2.0. I do not say I am a fan of linking the mods to an element, but with Menagerie you can at least farm the elements you want and only have to worry about the stats. Sorry if my English isn t the best. Not a native speaker

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                                          1 Reply
                                          • It’s been a week, relax .

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                                            6 Replies
                                            • This system promotes the “just watch a YouTube video and copy some “influencer’s” build” approach. Nothing about this system is interesting or fun. The bonuses are negligible. It’s too expensive and time-consuming to experiment with builds. I basically just play this game like all armor is cosmetic and it doesn’t really matter. I have zero issues with any of the content. Find a cool exotic piece and find stats that kind of compliment it and that’s build-crafting in this game.

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