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10/6/2019 12:19:46 PM

Bungie, please remove the restrictions on Armor and Mod combinations

It's annoying that we have to have specific elements (Void, Arc, Solar) for certain mods. Some Exotics have no place in certain builds now because of it. Armor 2.0 was supposed to enable us to have more customization options but with the combo restrictions and the insane cost of materials (and especially glimmer) needed, creating a build just isn't fun. It's a chore. Funnily enough, with the increased number of options and the ability to make very specific builds ( or at least attempt to), I've put less time into builds now than I ever have. Some of the restrictions seem like they exist just for the sake of having restrictions.

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  • It’s funny how far this slid down the forums so fast but other smaller threads praising bungle stays up with less activity 😂

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    3 Replies
    • I already saw this coming when they did the reveal. I was like... "This is going to be even MORE tedious than what we've already had." And I'm right. I honestly am not sure there is a point for me to change into any of this new armor. It will be months... Before I get close to the setup that I already have and really the only thing I could improve on is the stats Mob, Res, Rec, Int, Dis, and Str. I'm sure late game armors can have better stats. But other than that there isn't a benefit to using the new armor. Except to look different. lol.

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      1 Reply
      • Bump. More choices was the goal Less choices and more restrictions is what we got.

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      • If we could change the burns and doing so reveals mods associated with that burn I'd be happy as shit. Or just make all mods universal and equip-able.

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      • Bump.

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      • I finally understand this post. Tonight I learned that an arc melee mod for disrupting unstoppable bosses can only be applied to a solar chest. And that's fine because i have one. But what if i didn't....

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      • It should just work similarly to how Warframe's Mod system works. You can use the mods on the right pieces regardless of element, but matching the element would reduce the cost. Matching the element would provide a bonus, but not be mandatory.

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      • So many casuals upvoting this lol.

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        12 Replies
        • I like 2.0. But I have to agree

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        • I agree they should remove the elements for armor. Paul Tassi wrote a great article on the issues here [url][/url]

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        • hell no

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          • Maybe a way to convert it if we need a middle ground

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          • EOutsider316 is a -blam!-ing idiot. [spoiler]I know you’ll see this buddy because for some unknown reason you patrol this post religiously defending this god awful system.[/spoiler]

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            • It's the same stupid problem we had with mods in Y1. Bungo actually brought back the system NOBODY wanted. "We're listening". To what?

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            • Personally I like the concept of the armor 2.0 system as it is meant to make the system more in depth and it also separates the casuals from the committed loyal fans and D1 players who really got screwed when D2 first came out. That being said I do feel that for a system whose soul purpose was to improve the overall ability to customize and allow for more diversified builds does not do so due to the fact that mods are locked behind the elemental affinity system. With weapons I feel this design concept would have worked as 2 of 3 weapon types already have a elemental affinity system. Thus I feel one of 3 things needs to happen here. 1) The first option, and my least recommended option is that every mod have a compatible version for each element. However as I said this is my least recommended option as it would create a rather ridiculous grind. 2) My second and middle child of the first and third options is that there be a option to change an items elemental affinity, through either use of glimmer, legendary shards, or if it needs to be harder then the use of upgrade modules. Now this is my middle child as while it does make things less frustrating it does still create restriction contrary to a system designed to create diversified customization. 3) My third and final option and my personally preference is that energy be non element based and be just energy for mods which would be non element specific. We would still have elemental resistances that reduce damage for specific elements but no mods would be specifically locked from use because it doesn't match the items elemental affinity. This option would allow for the diversity that armor 2.0, and prevent the irritation of getting the armor you want but not having the elemental affinity. But it would not be less grindy as the grind to find the desired mods would still be the same. Thus making good on their concept of customization without being to overly problematic.

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              4 Replies
              • bump

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              • I still don’t find any value in armor 2.0. barrier, armaments, repurposing, invigoration... Anyone who farmed the menagerie has all of the above and more plus enhanced on every piece of gear with heavy ammo, reserves, and scavenger as well. All of that for very little enhancement cores. Pls explain the opportunity cost. How is it better to spend 1500 enhancement cores for double enhancement reload when only one type of weapon is used?

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              • They have to change something hands down. You can’t be required to have three full sets of one armor set lol put a price on changing the element affix or get rid elements altogether. OR allow all legendary armor to be used as an ornament

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              • Yep, doesn't makes sense to have them specific to element.

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              • pulling exotics from collections is rough because most of them are arc based(which sucks).

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              • 1
                I know! I've actually had to consider what perks I want to use, what weapons I want to pair with my subclass, what stat is most valuable to my playstyle, find out what mods are tied to affinity, find armor that rolls with my desired stats and affinity, then incrementally mod / upgrade my desired armor set knowing that I may find a better stat roll in the future, ensuring I have a lot of build weaknesses I could round out with a bit of time. Wait a minute, why is this a bad thing?

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                16 Replies
                • Yea for example if you want to use Stompees or Transversive Steps you get only sh*tgun scavenger :(

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                • Edited by ManBlaster: 10/8/2019 11:47:29 AM
                  I agree on the subject of the elemental mod alignments. That is it. Those are stupid lame. They should just be an elemental resistance, even if its tiny. Finally getting the roll I want on a piece of armor and seeing its element prevents me from doing what I planned for it will just PISS me off. The elemental Mod alignments don't even seem like they were put there to ruin the grind like they do... It seems they were specifically there to prevent you from creating certain powerful armor perk combos... which makes the whole elemental mod requirements look even worse. The Armor2.0 system could be fixed by simple removing the elemental mod requirements. Simple Fix... no idea about the technical side. And NO Bungie I don't want an explanation of your thoughts behind the elemental requirements. Plz just change it The glimmer cost makes glimmer meaningful. not a problem. Armor upgrade costs ensure you actually feel like you are investing in your loadout and armor. Makes it worthwhile. I like it. Its pricey but I plan to grind for it anyways. I just don't want to grind 5x as much trying to get the right F-ing element on the good rolled armor just to put MY perk combos on the damn thing. TL:DR Elemental requirements Go Bye-Bye for armor mods. No tweaks to mods or perks available. Just remove the elemental mod restrictions. Thats it.

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                • 0
                  Armor 2.0 is there for people who like to min max and for people who play the game , not for lazy bums that want instant gratification . You putting less time into builds now only means that you're a casual and casuals don't need to min max , so basicly working as intended .

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                  9 Replies
                  • Edited by GalaxySpider: 10/8/2019 10:29:09 AM
                    I would love an additional mod slot actually. Right now most random rolled armor pieces had up to 4 rows of perks. Some mod slots are only for specific mods as well (opulent mods, undying mods etc), so I don't count them as a 4th general weapon mod slot, because they are not on every armor.

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                  • Idk I'm having fun with it. The DLC hasn't been out for long enough for me to feel like I'm being held back by this system. Like yeah you can't instantly have your favourite loadout with scavanger perks and whatnot but why would you be expecting to in the endgame of min/maxing this early into the DLCs lifespan? All I want is a collections tab for mods so I can see what I have and don't have, so I know which armor pieces are more valuable to me.

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