We here at the Charlie Murphys Angels school for unusally well-endowed are looking for a handful more experienced raiders as we enter into the the Nightmare land of Shadowkeep!
CMA is all about hanging out, meeting some new people, playing games and messing around... while also being damned good at what we do (i.e. Winning, doing cool shit, player hating, etc). And we want YOU to come join our little misfit community to speed run raids, nab pinnacle weapons, grind loot/gear and melt some damned faces.
1. Must be over 18 years of age
2. Must not be a racist piece of trash
3. There are no carries. That's the most terrible C-word. Practice, run shit, get better and let's goooo!
4. Egos are like asshole, everyone has them, but we don't want to see them. So relax!
This is the point where you need to shoot me a message on here or Xbox live and tell me why you wan to be a part of our ragtag badass crew. Bungie messages, XBL messages, smoke signals.. whatever... just hit me up
Gamertag: JoebearX
BUMP! We just opened recruiting back up for another few spots, so that means we're still looking for experienced raiders/endgame players who are down to grind out all endgame activities, and chase pinnacle weapons, and hang out with the most notorious haters this side of the mississippi. Hit me up! Again, I'm only taking a few more players, so if you want to be considered, you've gotta send me a message on here, or on Xbox Live (gamertag = JoebearX) and tell me about yourself.
I'm interested, I'm a day 1 Vet. The clan im in has a toxic creator. I just love to play and don't need any drama. On Xbox
Wish you guys were on the 4
Join our ranks and grow fat from candy as we trick or t̶r̶e̶a̶t̶ go on a murderous rampage upon the moon and turn nightmares into dreams!
We have Tacos!
Ya like memes? anime? Fun loving people, a family? CMA is for you!
*queue Avenged Sevenfold Welcome to the family* Come join the fun. We care for you as long as you're a loveable dick. We are a give and take family. Come have fun