No,otherwise we might as well change the name of d2 to nerf,buff,winge.
Don’t lump all fusions with erentil
Luke Smith, is that you? No, the entire weapon type doesn't need nerfed just because one or two of them are an actual problem. In fact, many fusions (and linear fusions) aren't worth using because they simply aren't as good as the broken ones. Address the broken ones and fusions suddenly become much more tolerable.
Erentil needs a massive nerf, every other fusion rifle is fine.
I dont have a problem with most fusion rifles. Heck, I've tried to use a few and I can't seem to do much with them. Erintil and other high impact fusions on the other hand, yeah those are definatly too much.
Dont lump all of them in with erintil. Only that crap needs a nerf.
Something similar happened to the shotguns. The nerfed them all the same, so Rock Dust is still the best
No thank you.
Only Erenthyl