Literally I've been waiting for the stream that I thought Bungie said they were going to do about Crucible. Since Crucible was being changed a lot supposedly. I know they mentioned some stuff... But I thought enough was going on with the Crucible that it warranted a reveal stream. I really thought things were changing in a MAJOR way. Was I wrong? Where is the reveal? I'm confused on this. I feel like they got my hopes up early on with talking about MAJOR changes and MAJOR focus on Cruicble... Only to have the hype fizzle along the way. Anyone else feel like this? I'm still waiting for the BIG change... Nothing I've seen seems Earth shattering in any way. lol. I hope I'm wrong. I was really hoping the Crucible would change to the point that it felt like playing a different game almost. Like jumping from Destiny and into Halo or something. Idk. Anyways. That's all I got. Thanks for reading. God Bless.
Anybody know anything about this?