Lol, that's the opposite of the reply I thought I was going to get.
Hey if you can own it I can respect it. Besides, I’m an ahole myself. That said I disagree with your read on why that vidoc means. ANY attention paid to crucible will constitute increased focus. It’s not really much of a climb if you know what I mean. I did catch the part about more focus on teamwork. I suspect that since that was while they were talking about armor 2.0 that there is going to be some sort of synergy based on the armor that various team members are wearing. The rest I really don’t care about. They can make Raids as ridiculously difficult or mechanic heavy as they want. I don’t Raid and I don’t care what happens with them. Hopefully they don’t make everything so stupidly difficult that you need a premade for strikes and lost sectors.
Shit, assholes coming together like this, and who says Destiny don't have the best community? 😂
I don't think strikes and crucible will need pre-made teams but as always everything is easier with teamwork. I think the team play is stacking supers so the team can recharge and maybe more specific roles to complete specific endgame tasked. I don't think it'll be super important to fill those rolls be I do think it'll make activities easier, match game modifier comes to mind. I'm a long term "fanboy" who happens to like grind based games so I'm looking forward to this "hardcore second job" Bungie has built.