Naw the Hunter dodge does not need a damage buff while activated. You can slap an exotic on that gives an additional dodge, all while manipulating the dodge recharge time. Dodge, easy kill, dodge again, weapon reloads and another easy kill.
Actually, I do remember the melee normalization now that you mention it. That’s my bad. In short, I’m probably just a trash player 😬 I’ll own that.
I only play Hunter and the amount of things in here that are incorrect is ridiculous. Most noteworthy points: - If you are missing BB that's on you. It shouldn't be hard to get kills with it. Stop trying to cross map with it. - Hunters still have triple jump. No idea what you are talking about - Hunter jump is the best, most reliable jump in the game. Especially on console. It allows for quick vertical movement to get above players. - There is at least one very good grenade for each subclass. Incendiary, Spike, and Arcbolt.
Warlocks do not have melee range on Hunters. D2 normalized melee range across the board at the start, and in fact Warlocks have a slower melee.