Well basically as title says... I've been playing Destiny 2 for almost a year, when I was in the middle of mission a pop-out appeared saying that my connection has been lost, when I tried to reconnect I got a message saying that I GOT BANNED??? For what? For playing and enjoing the game? I'd love to see some answers why i got banned in Destiny 2 and hopefully receive my account back, cause that year cost me a little bit. I haven't cheated anything, I didin't even try to... So why I can't play anymore?
Hey there. I'm sorry to hear that. But, you should be aware that this is a difference between a [url=https://www.bungie.net/mobi/en/about/Article?id=11929]ban and a restriction. More info can be found here.[/url] Unfortunately you can get restricted for an unstable connection: [quote]Additionally, Bungie may issue restrictions or bans to accounts that have consistent unstable connections when playing Destiny, as this negatively impacts other players. For steps on how to stabilize your network and connection quality, please follow the Network Troubleshooting Guide.[/quote] If you are experiencing connectivity issues please check out that network troubleshooting guide and if all else fails I recommend contacting your ISP.