So is bungie going to do anything about the amount of people spamming the crucible fireteam finder, with throw away accounts, about paid carries for various pinnacle weapons? Would really like something to be done about it because it makes the fireteam finder a pain to use at higher glory ranks.
Edited by Lull9: 8/26/2019 8:06:26 AMBungie really needs to make top tier PvP rewards cosmetic (or mostly cosmetic) only. The system will always be broken/abused/exploited as long as meaningful/unique/powerful items are locked behind a wall that can be circumvented with "cheating" or actual CHEATING. Everybody should be able to get trials armor/weapons by grinding. Flawless gets ornaments/shaders/emblems, maybe a lowkey extra perk like Last Resort on weapons. Everybody should be able to get pinnacle weapons by grinding. Fabled/Legend gets ornaments/shaders/emblems. Maybe, again, a slightly better version with +5 reload or handling or whatever. WHAT!!!??? THAT'S NOT ENOUGH TO MAKE IT WORTH GRINDING TO LEGEND/GOING FLAWLESS!!!??? Congratulations. You just found that you don't actually want to play competitive Crucible for the sake of actual competition. You just want stuff only because other people don't have it so you can be "special" and/or pubstomp with broken weapons. Look how much time I just saved you with that realization. You're welcome.