Looking for dedicated players of all skill levels. Must of us have kids so we understand the struggles! We're in all time zones of the US and most of us play nightly. We have clears on every raid and more importantly we're patient and happy to teach and help with whatever it is you're doing! All we ask of you is to be pleasant, and return the favor to other members.
Love to join if you’re still recruiting. PSN : sailormuwun
i believe i would like to join if you would have me . psn: overTkill38 and thank you for the time . and or opportunity .
Are you still looking for members? I’m returning from a long D2 hiatus, just picked up Forsaken. I try to play a few nights a week, sometimes longer on the weekends depending on kids’ activities. Any weekly requirements??
Id like to join psn: Sektor556
This is a PS4 Clan but the way!
Looking to join if possible. Been playing on and off since launch of forsaken. Just looking for some people to play with on the regular. Battletag: Judgeman#1986
Hey, Can I join your clan?