My farts have started to smell vaguely of eggy almonds, with an almost floral finish... for like the past two months.
I'm scared; what does this mean??
[spoiler]Do I have ass cancer/aids?[/spoiler]
Your anus is not a marsupial pouch, And should not be used for item storage. (≧艸≦*)
Well clearly your about to lay an floral almond egg.
Sounds like you ate egg almond flowers
Must have been someone you ate.
[quote]My farts have started to smell vaguely of eggy almonds, with an almost floral finish... for like the past two months. I'm scared; what does this mean?? [spoiler]Do I have ass cancer/aids?[/spoiler] Edit:[/quote] Better start praying... wait a moment 😂😂
It means that according to webMD you died 6 months ago from a combination of diabetes of the left testicular, syphilis of the big toe & a skiver in your pinky.
That depends, how many almonds have you eaten? Many times whenever I eat enough of a good my shit tends to smell like that food...vaguely
might be something wrong with your gut, try fasting and taking some unhealthy food out of your diet or food that might give a reaction like that (Gluten, sugar, dairy, ect.)
Have you played fortnite? [spoiler]perhaps you could join the void...[/spoiler]
That's interesting. I think you just shoved a flower up your butt