Notice when your a titan with sentinel shield blocking against a taken ogre it pushes you back. Then take out a sword and block notice a crucial difference. YOU DON'T GET PUSHED BACK! It always annoys me when I'm playing Gambit as a sentinel titan using banner shield and I'm getting knocked around everywhere. Bungie why have you done this.
P.S. Fix taken captains they teleport too much also let ursas give energy based on damage blocked with bubble please.
Taken Captains and Taken in general need some sort of cool down for their abilities. They can spam black balls constantly, they can teleport endlessly. That's what makes fighting them so annoying.
suppressor Grenade: Suppresses the abilitys of Enemys Does it's work in PvP but that Grenade doesn't work in Pve which is not understandable in my opinion, Captains still can teleport and everything even though they got suppressed
Bungie is to Titans As to Vampires are to garlic
Space Magic
I swear to god it takes me longer to kill a taken captain than a taken knight in gambit
The Ogre is matching it's element to the opposing shield obviously.