For clarity I'll explain the exact buffs given by each.
[u][b]Solar[/b][/u] causes the player to periodically emit a damaging solar wave and gives constant, but slow health regeneration.
[u][b]Arc[/b][/u] increases the player's movement and reload speed, increases damage from melee and sword attacks, and causes roaming supers to drain at half the rate.
[u][b]Void[/b][/u] let's the player instantly turn invisible when they crouch. While invisible they gain Truesight and significantly increased ability Regen (excluding supers).
Feel free to explain your choice, or why you dislike the others.
Solar is really annoying actually
Being able to turn invisible as a Warlock is a real treat but once I started paying attention to all the buffs I really started to like arc. The armor for the Warlock has zero Mobility so being able to move faster and launch into a higher Glide is really beneficial.
Swords and melee are my jam so arc.
I've unlocked the legendary set for my hunter, and can only recall having the solstice buff active 3 or 4 times total, for the whole week or grinding, so I can't really choose a favorite. 🤣