If there is a post about a change some one would like to see, and BUNGIE replies with 'I would love to see that happen' this change will be implemented at some point in the near future.
If there is a post about a change some one would like to see and BUNGIE does not reply, there will be no change.
If there is a post about a nerf some one would like to see, even if it is a nerf that NO ONE ELSE has discussed, and BUNGIE replies with 'I have been monitoring and seeing a lot of feedback regarding this I will let the team know that the community would like this nerf' ..the nerf will occur.
If there is a post about some one obtaining a weapon, or finishing a quest and BUNGIE replies 'I need to do this' ..the BUNGIE replier will never attempt to obtain the weapon or complete the quest because they do not play Destiny 2.
If there is a post BY BUNGIE asking for feedback about a certain thing, and the entire community requests that thing to be a certain way..that thing will change and be nothing like it was, and nothing like the community asked for....for 2 years.
If there is a post from the community regarding what they would like to see in the game, and BUNGIE thinks that would be a good idea..it will be placed in the game....in 2 years...and it will be different than the original idea.
I have now made you a Wizard. Use your powers wisely my friends.
Bungies listens but still they think they know better than the community that actually plays their game daily. I still think Bungie is getting on the right track again I must say. Hopefully they will keep moving forward and listen more to what the community really wants. And the community doesn't mean the big streamers. They should also invite players from other levels too who play the game. Next time when they invite players to discuss the game also invite average and players with bad stats who do enjoy the game but struggle more. Hear what they think what should be improved for them too.
-=headed to Party City for my Gandalf robes and a crystal ball=- Thank you kind Sir! ✌️