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Destiny 2

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7/6/2019 3:14:46 PM

Shadowkeep: What Really Are Nightmares???

Shadowkeep is fastly approaching. We have next to no information what the Nightmares we are facing really are. Some say it's the Darkness. Some say Savathun. I'm going to do my best to persuade you people who think it's the actual Darkness that it is really Savathun. 1) The Hive serve the Darkness. They are not the Darkness itself. This is something we knew but it is reiterated by Calus. 2) There is a new brood of Hive on the Moon. Simple enough. 3) The Darkness would not have been on our Moon since the Collapse and us not know that. The Hive have been there for ages too. 4) Bungie does state that it is the Darkness resurrecting old foes. Why would the Darkness resurrect foes we've defeated? We'll just do it again. Based off that brief glimpse we saw of their ships at the end of vanilla D2, their forces seem huge. They dont need resurrected Fallen, Hive, Vex, and Cabal. 5) Nightmares aren't real. Savathun uses trickery. She's making us believe these enemies are real because they've caused us so much pain. Crota and the Great Disaster. Ghaul and the Red War. Skolas with the Wolf Wars and Wolf Rebellion against the Reef, Taniks killing the old Hunter Vanguard. 6) Bungie is playing a good part by buying into their own trickery. Think of the Forsaken vidoc. We thought the Scorn Barons were the main threat. That was false. The Scorn Barons were pawns of Uldren Sov. Uldren Sov was controlled by Riven. Riven was tricked by Savathun. Bungie will not give away the entire storyline so early. It is not simply the Darkness...yet. 7) The Past. We've had campaign missions, strikes, raids, a dungeon, adventures, bosses, scannables, etc. that hint at Savathun. 8) last but not least. The Hive architecture on the Moon. Its Hive themed. Not Darkness

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