hunter are supposed to be the fast ones with high mobility and the ones that can attack fast and escape even faster.
However, the current state of hunters sucks because I had 8 mobility and my titan teammate had 2 guess who was faster (hint its not the hunter). Hunters would be so much better if mobility actually changed anything. Another reason hunters suck is the supers. We do very little damage compared to other class supers and our resiliance buff does nothing for the fact in pvp when we are using our super we can easily be taken out with a shoulder charge of all things.
p.s. titan shoulder charge should be nerfed a little
Edited by Gravezero: 6/30/2019 7:27:06 PMOnly super a regular shoulder charge can take out is golden gun. Mobility isn't a sprint speed but how fast you can strafe side to side. Hunters are literally the most played class for a reason. Hunters also have some of the best supers in game. You can't play a single game of comp without seeing spectral blades, archstrider or blade barrage.