I know people have been wanting this for awhile, (myself included), and that is an option for changing your apperance of your character. I know late game I'm leveling my hunter to 750 and I'm not a fan of the way I made my character almost 2 years ago. I wish I was able to change the way he looks but I don't want to have to slog through forsaken again and get all the forges as well as get my reckoning synthesiser up to max again. Its just tedious work that I shouldn't have to repeat to just change the color of my exo or the way my hair looks. I wouldn't mind a fee of glimmer or silver, (if they really want money), to change my apperance. It should be a feature but its not and I've seen this thread before but it seems to lose its momentum each time someone makes a post about this topic. With shadowkeep coming out soon I think this would be a great time for bungie to add it in, I mean they also added cross save so I think its very doable for bunige. I just think they haven't considered it. Hope you guys agree with me and let bungie see this!
I think that with the trend to more RPG elements and character customization Bungie should look into allowing us to change the look of our character and adding more customization options for how our characters look. The only place this will actually affect is the tower and cut scenes, but you should feel excited to see your Guardian on screen.
1) Beards/Facial hair 2) Jewelry a) nose piercing especially! b) ear gauges 3) Tattoos 4) More hair styles
I made my original PS4 character to look like Yondu… I still like it, but now I have to delete him for cross-save:(
I was a different person way back when I made my characters in D1... We all make decisions we come to regret but by now there’s no way back lol. But in all seriousness, my warlock used to be a nice shade of pale skin in D1 but in D2 it automatically became somewhat greenish. Looking like a healthy ghoul rather than an awoken!
Bring some BEARDS for Pete's sake!! (Pete is a bearded fellow I reckon)
Yes please. I got this really awful red and green design on my exo that I scrapped together in 5 minutes.
Bungie never listen to their players.shows you what kind of company they are