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Edited by Ronin: 7/17/2019 5:02:03 PM

OAFL Fighting System REVAMP

So, I know that only a couple of people have fought in OAFL fights so far. However, those few can 100% attest to the fact that my system is broken, flawed, and confusing. So, I have devised a much simpler way to engineer loadouts, checks, and skills. Stay tuned, because this is a TON of information flying at you, and it’s better to take this nice and slow. First up is the way attributes are being tweaked, as they are in the most need of a fix. [spoiler]So, before, attributes were arbitrarily focused. There wasn’t much of a way to determine which fighter had the advantage in what field. Speaker (our lovable friend of the Deep) gave me some ideas about fixing this that I will be taking into account, along with some modifications of my own. The new stats (no longer attributes because that takes way too long to type out) are as follows: [b]Strength Dexterity Faith Spirit Constitution Reaction[/b] Quick thing before I explain what they do: when I say “innate”, I mean “without effects and enchantments and such from a fighter’s weapons, armor, magic, etc.” The stats are supposed to be your starting point for determining everything from health to damage. [u][b]Strength[/b][/u] - Strength governs a fighter’s [i]innate[/i] power of all physical melee attacks. Swords, daggers, maces, whatever, they are all governed by Strength. Strength also governs how strong the fighter is, and whether they are able to do things like lift pillars, throw people, etc. Generally speaking, the higher a fighter’s Strength, the more damage they will deal with melee attacks. [u][b]Dexterity[/b][/u] - Dexterity governs a fighter’s [i]innate[/i] power of all physical ranged attacks. Bows, crossbows, kunai, whatever, they are all governed by Dexterity. Dexterity also governs how acrobatic a fighter is, and whether they are able to run on walls, do flips, etc. Generally speaking, the higher a fighter’s Dexterity, the more damage they will deal with ranged attacks. [u][b]Faith[/b][/u] - Faith governs a fighter’s [i]innate[/i] power of all magical attacks. Enchantments on weapons, fireballs, and even illusions are governed by Faith. Because of its applicability across both melee and ranged attacks, Faith has no secondary utility. Generally speaking, the higher a fighter’s Faith, the more damage they will deal with magical effects. [u][b]Spirit[/b][/u] - Spirit governs a fighter’s [i]innate[/i] defenses against magical attacks and effects. Spirit reduces things like damage from magical attacks and duration from offensive magical enchantments. For example, a fighter with high Spirit may entirely avoid magical attacks meant to inflict some sort of magical ailment like Confusion, Berserk, etc. Generally speaking, the higher a fighter’s Spirit, the less damage they will take from magical attacks and the less effective magical effects will be on them. [u][b]Constitution[/b][/u] - Constitution governs a fighter’s [i]innate[/i] defenses against physical attacks and effects. Constitution will reduce damage from normal attacks, as well as reduce the effectiveness of non-magical ailments like poison, paralysis, etc. Generally speaking, the higher a fighter’s Constitution, the less damage they will take from non-magical attacks and the less effective non-magical ailments will be on them. [u][b]Reaction[/b][/u] - Reaction governs both general speed and reaction speed. Fighters with high Reaction will be able to make multiple attacks per turn (from the general speed buff), and be able to take reactions in smaller windows than most fighters (from the reaction speed buff). Generally speaking, the higher a fighter’s Reaction, the faster they can move. What’s more, the stupid focusing system is out. I got a new system for you guys, and this time, it’s much simpler! Every fighter, every single one, will start with [b]60 Stat Points[/b]. You can allot these Stat Points to each Stat as you see fit. [b]Keep in mind that a stat of 10 is average, with a completely neutral modifier. Any higher, and you begin getting better and better at the area that stat covers, with positive modifiers to the checks associated with that stat. Any lower, and you begin getting worse and worse at the area that stat covers, with negative modifiers to the checks associated with that stat.[/b] For example, a fighter with 10 in every stat is completely average in every field, and their attacks are completely left up to their execution.[/spoiler] Health, damage, and defense are being reworked, too. [spoiler]Your fighter’s total health is now determined by this formula: [quote]40 + ([Your Constitution stat] - 10)[/quote] The reason for the base of 40 is so every fighter has some modicum of health and so numbers have wiggle room. The Constitution stat is having 10 subtracted from it to incentivize fighters who want more health to allot more points to Constitution. The damage of a [i]full, unblocked strike[/i] is calculated as follows (remember, damage calculation can be tweaked by a GM to account for specific occurrences and circumstances within each fight): For physical melee attacks: [quote]3 + ([Your Strength stat] / 2)[/quote] The 3 is there to give some sort of base, so anyone who lands a hit can still deal some damage, but it doesn’t give a huge bonus to fighters with higher Strength. I’m dividing the Strength stat by 2 and adding that to serve as the damage modifier that will come from your Strength. For physical ranged attacks: [quote]3 + ([Your Dexterity stat] / 2)[/quote] The same reasoning is used here as was used when calculating physical melee attack damage, except replace “Strength” with “Dexterity”. However, I have good news for people who like ranged attacks: there is no longer any cap on ranged ammunition. For magical melee attacks: [quote]([Your Faith stat] / 2) + (([Your Strength stat] / 4) - 3)[/quote] This one is a little more complicated than the previous ones. There is no base damage because magical attacks are completely determined by your own casting ability and your ability to wield the magic. Faith plays the largest role in damage, while Strength plays a small role. The reason the total of the Strength stat being divided by 4 is being subtracted from 3 is to give some sort of motivation to increase your Strength higher than 10 if you are going to be using magical melee attacks. For magical ranged attacks: [quote]([Your Faith stat] / 2) + (([Your Dexterity stat] / 4) - 3)[/quote] This uses the same reasoning as was used when calculating magical melee attack damage, except replace “Strength” with “Dexterity”. Damage is neutered by a fighter’s innate defense in these ways (remember, a GM may tweak defensive properties according to the circumstances of each fight): Defending against a physical attack: [quote][Total damage calculated] - ([Your Constitution stat] / 3)[/quote] If the final result of calculating using the equation above results in a total less than 1, then that total is disregarded and the final damage of the attack is 1. The reason the Constitution score is being divided by 2 is to give attacking fighters a fair chance of breaking past your innate defenses. Defending against a magical attack: [quote][Total damage calculated] - ([Your Spirit score] / 3)[/quote] The same caveat and reasoning as was used when calculating defense against a physical attack was used here, except replace “Constitution” with “Spirit”. Unfortunately, due to the damage already being reduced so much by innate defenses, armor and other outside defenses will mitigate damage slightly, not a huge amount. However, your outside defenses will negate/mitigate by a constant amount, to be determined by me when you post your loadout. This is to keep the system fair.[/spoiler] Reaction times are going to be reworked a little bit as well, as a result of all the above changes. [spoiler]So, in each fight, no longer will the challenged move first. The GM will flip a coin (using Google or Siri or an actual coin), with each fighter calling what will land. Whoever is correct will move first. From then on, reaction time is determined by the GM. Generally speaking, whoever has the higher Reaction stat will move faster, though if both have relatively high Reaction stats, then the GM may have both actions occur at the same time. As always, and this is especially true when dealing with Reaction, the GM may modify any aspects of the fight to fit the circumstances.[/spoiler] Also changing the way building loadouts and gaining ranks work. [spoiler]So, here's the deal: you can have as many weapons and/or armor as you want. I don't care. My only requirement for that is that you keep it reasonable and believable. For magic attacks and defenses, you must list them all and list them very specifically. No pulling tricks out of thin air. However, any special effects/enchantments/whatever of each weapon/armor will count as one Ability. You may only have 5 Abilities. Also, you may have a separate ability called an Ult: Ults are insanely powerful abilities that can only be used once per battle, no exceptions. As a result of these limitations, the ranking system is going to change as well. Each new rank acquired will grant an additional 4 Stat Points you may allot to your stats however you wish. In the future, I may decide that the higher ranks grant additional Ability slots, though that is not yet set in stone.[/spoiler] [b]So, with that out of the way, can every fighter please tweak their loadout and post the new version here so that every loadout is still using the same system? Please track Outer Animal, theme song, appearance, loadout, and rank on your post as well.[/b]

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  • Can I have a link to my old loadoutz?

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  • [quote]Outer animal: Crested owl Theme Song: Surfin’ Bird Weapons: I wield the Sword of House Chordeilinae, an ancient enchanted blade passed down through generations of Nighthawks, first forged by Nighthawk the thirty-second in a war against a rival House. It can be charged with spectral energy from the Deep, the result of an ancient infernal pact that granted the Chordeilinae line strength in battle and the might of the deep, but cost them their souls, and any struck down by this blade shall suffer the same fate... or so the legend goes. Necrotic energy can be fired from the blade as a ranged attack. Armor: lightweight armor that enables my full speed capabilities. I have top-tier reflexes, being able to dodge most projectiles. I am also capable of reaching two hundred miles per hour in a dive, and one hundred and fifty in normal flight. I am also able to block many projectiles by calling the powers of the wind to my side, as is my birthright. Abilities: by plunging the Sword of House Chordeilinae into the ground, I am able to summon a giant bird mech. This mech has steel-plated armor and two giant swords on each arms, as well as flight capabilities. It’s only downside is its short uptime, it will not last forever (can’t have an automatic win button, you know) Attributes: Strength: 12 Dexterity: 8 Faith: 14 Spirit: 8 Constitution: 9 Reaction: 12 Entrance: I arrive in a whirlwind of... well.. wind. When I stare into my opponent’s eyes, for a brief moment my usual unblinking stare is gone and my eyes glow red for a brief second, unnerving opponents. Appearance: I am a frighteningly large bird for my genus. My lightweight steel armor brings out the silver in my black feathers.[/quote] Lmk if I forgot anything!

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  • Edited by Rex Izunia: 7/11/2019 7:46:41 PM
    Loadout Name: CamelLord Entrance Theme: [url=]Calling for Rain[/url] from The Kingsglaive Entrance: I walk into the battlefield from a Deep portal astride my Deep Camel, which then disappears. Appearance: I am clothed in Arabian garb with well tanned skin. The only part of my body that can be seen through the garb is my eyes, which are brown. — Stats: Strength- 10 Dexterity - 10 Faith - 10 Spirit - 10 Constitution- 10 Reaction - 10 — Weapons: Scimitar - Dagger - Recurve Bow - Immortal in Training: I am training to become a Persian Immortal. While I still have a ways to go, I can execute complex and strong chains. This includes attacking up to 2 times in one turn with my Scimitar, having good aim with my Recurve Bow, being able to swap between the two quickly without using an action, being able to wield my shield while using the Recurve Bow, and more. — Fire Camel: [spoiler]Fire Breath: The Fire Camel lets loose a breath of fire. The fire shoots out in a mid-ranged cone. - Sniper Fire: The Fire Camel lets loose a long-ranged line of fire. - Fire Nova: The Fire Camel lets loose a short-ranged nova of fire. - Fireball: The Fire Camel shoots out several fireballs in a straight line, which have mid to long-range. The fireballs explode on contact in a medium explosion. - Fire Storm: The Fire Camel throws several fireballs into the air that come crashing down around the battlefield and create huge explosions. - Fire Torrent: The Fire Camel lets loose a torrent of fire. This can be created anywhere and sent in any direction. Everything caught in its path is burned and pushed in the direction the torrent is moving. - Fire Ground: The Fire Camel heats up the ground, dealing fire damage to anything on the ground. This effect lasts for 3 turns (including the one it is used on). - Ring of Fire: The Fire Camel creates a ring of fire. The fire stretches far into the ceiling or sky, and creates a nearly impenetrable barrier. Everything that enters it takes heavy fire damage. The Fire Camel can use this to imprison something, force a creature into close combat, or keep enemies at bat, but it cannot create the ring in a space occupied by a creature.[/spoiler] — Armor: Immortal Garb (Titanium Lined): A full garb of black Persian clothes that are soft and comfortable, allowing me to move easily and stealthily. It is also lined with titanium for additional defense. - Shield: A light shield that I can move easily and provides decent protection. It is also lined with titanium for additional defense. - Smoke Bomb: I drop a smoke bomb that creates a cloud of smoke, immediately obscuring me from view. This smoke also obscures heat, protecting me from heat-vision. — Abilities: [spoiler]It takes an action to summon a camel. If I summon a camel with one already in play, that camel disappears and the new one is summoned. All camels have half of my maximum health. Different camels have different Spirit and Constitution stats. I can ride all my camels without getting hurt, regardless of what it’s made of. When a camel is killed, it disappears and I can’t summon it again in the battle.[/spoiler] Astral Camel: It is a glowing purple camel filled with Astral power. While it is in play, it heals me for 2 health at the beginning of each of my turns. Spirit - 8 Constitution - 8 - Shade Camel: [spoiler]It is a pitch black camel filled with darkness. The moment it comes into play and while it is in play, it’s power radiates our abs sends the entire battlefield into darkness. All light sources are extinguished or covered, and nothing, not even an ability, that relies on light can see. However, I am unaffected by the darkness, and can see perfectly well in it. Spirit - 12 Constitution - 8[/spoiler] - Metal Camel: It is a robotic camel made of titanium. While I am riding it, I immediately equip full titanium armor, a titanium greatshield, and a titanium sword. Spirit - 12 Constitution- 16 - Lightning Camel: [spoiler]It is a camel made of lightning. When it comes into play, it lets out a giant lightning shockwave, electrocuting everything on the same horizontal plan as it within the battlefield. While it is in play, it creates a lightning storm, which electrocuted all metal objects, along with the occasional lightning bolt elsewhere. I am not affected by its shockwave or lightning. It’s lightning also jumps to my weapons, scimitar, dagger, and arrowheads, allowing me to deal extra lightning damage on hit. Spirit - 12 Constitution- 10[/spoiler] - Fire Camel: [spoiler]It is a camel made of pure fire. When it comes into play, it lets out a giant fiery explosion, dealing heavy damage to everything in the battlefield that doesn’t have cover. While it is in play, it takes its actions separate from mine. It will use its fire to incinerate my enemies, as listed in weapons. I am immune to its fire attacks and explosion. Spirit - 14 Constitution - 12[/spoiler] — Ultra: Deep Camel: It is a camel that has been corrupted by the Deep. The turn it comes into play, it uses its Deep powers to revive all dead camels. Then it disappears.

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  • I'm currently working on my profile. I'll edit this post once it's ready

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  • Hey Ronin can you like the old OAFL loadouts I can get mine

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    • Edited by Chillton: 6/26/2019 10:42:19 PM
      (WIP, accidentally posted before finishing)

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    • Edited by Lord Dublin: 7/2/2019 11:07:56 PM
      [quote]Outer Animal: Mountain Hare Weapons and Armor: An indestructible Baritone Saxophone, Äeger (Arming Sword that can cut anything non energy shielded) and a single throwing knife with 30 feet of steel wire. Armoured with a low power energy shield (Functions as light armour, similar to leather) a steel brimmed hat, and boots capable of hovering 8 inches off the ground for 2 minutes before needing a recharge Stats: Strength - 10 Dexterity - 10 Faith - 15 Spirit - 5 Constitution - 5 Reaction - 15 Abilities: [b]Dance of blades[/b] After a successful hit on an opponent I gain two illusory copies of my sword, each illusion functions as the original but disappear after leaving my hand [b]Illusion,[/b]Can create up to three of any two at a time: A shadow-clone that disappears after getting hit, An illusory arena effect (i.e. lava spout, wall, etc.) or false sounds from anywhere within 10 feet of me[b]Bardic Taunt,[/b] I play a sick ass riff on my sax, taunting the opponent into attacking the me playing the sax Ult Ability: [b]Solo,[/b] I begin to play and vanish from sight, (anything that relies on hearing can still “see” me) and an illusory god appears to do battle, until it gets hit it heals me 5 health each minute it’s out(up to half of my total health at a time) and lowers the opponents dexterity (can only stack 3 times for a minus 3) Entrance: Enters the field riding a giant mountain hare while playing [url=]this[/url] before dismounting and the hare leaps away [quote]Still needs some work IMO, what y’all think tho[/quote][/quote]

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    • It’s about time RP arenas like this have actually caught on to balancing mechanics like this; freelance OP-ness has been a core problem with things such as the Digital Dojo (if anyone remembers that) for years now. It’s a relief that this has been finally implemented into the RP arena scene. [i]“This is where the fun begins.”[/i] —Anakin Skywalker

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      • Edited by Liam_the_Censor: 6/26/2019 11:26:45 PM
        Outer Animal: Black Falcon Weapons and Armor: A sword and Captain America’s shield from Infinity War along with a small dagger. Yellow and blue plate armor finding the perfect balance between mobility and protection. Stats: Strength - 16 Dexterity - 0 Faith - 12 Spirit - 8 Constitution - 10 Reaction - 14 Abilities: [b]Faraday cage,[/b] running my sword overtop of my shield creates a small electrical field around me, slightly reducing damage, while applying a small amount of damage to the attacker if I am hit with it active. [b]Vulcan’s wrath,[/b] lightning bolts can be shot from my sword dealing minimal damage but disorienting the enemy. [b]EarthShaker,[/b] using this shockwave takes up the player’s turn but nullifies the enemy’s magical abilities for their next turn. [b]Flash,[/b] using this boosts my speed and reaction time for the current and/or next turn. Ult Ability: [b]SkyShock,[/b] summons a volley of lightning on the enemy player dealing damage but also weakening their abilities for their next turn. Entrance: Glitter and Gold by Barns Courtney plays as I show off my lightning abilities.

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        • Edited by Rex Izunia: 6/27/2019 2:10:54 PM
          Rex the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Theme Song: [url=]Days Are Numbered[/url] by Black Veil Brides — Stats Strength - 16 Dexterity - 2 Faith - 12 Spirit - 10 Constitution - 10 Reaction - 10 — Weapons: Titanium Greatsword - Hand Crossbow — Armor: Titanium Gear: Titanium Helmet, Chestplate, Gauntlets, Leggings, and Boots. — Abilities: Fire-Bending: I can create and manipulate fire at will. This includes lighting my weapon and armor on fire, and setting fire to the battlefield, and BURNING MY ENEMIES ALIVE! - Earth-Bending: I can manipulate any kind of rock or metal. I can use this power to shift the battlefield to my favor. I can also move the ground around my feet to move quickly, I can move the ground around my enemy to slow them down and throw them off balance, and I can create barriers and traps to capture the enemy, and can create spears to impale enemies, like an Iron Maiden. - - - — Ultra: Rise Again - When I die in battle, a meteor comes down and slams into my body, obliterating any creature near me and resurrecting me back to just above critical health.

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        • Edited by Speaker: 6/27/2019 3:33:03 AM
          Outer Animal: Fangtooth Strength 9 Dexterity 6 Faith 13 Spirit 9 Constitution 10 Reaction 13 Weapon(s): [b]The Razor of Dark Truths-[/b] a stabilized dark energy sword pulled from the seam between realms it is razor thin but hard as diamonds and too heavy to wield because of it's unique properties by anyone other than the speaker. It can cut through all matter with ease. Claws of the Speaker- The Razor sharp clawed hands of the speaker are a weapon all their own. Defense(s): [b]Aura of Shadows-[/b] a field of free floating neutrino's and radiation that clings to the speaker, it provides +(DMs decision to Spirit) defense against magic and ranged attacks. Can expand to cover a larger area and has a vampiric effect, stealing life half of life points drained. When expanded; it provides little protection. Ability: [b]Wretched Tentacle-[/b] A tendril of the deep reaches out at high speed from the Chest of the Speaker impaling the enemy [b]Dark Bolts-[/b] A ranged magical attack, a barrage of Dark particle bolts charged with negative energy [b]Dark Blink-[/b] A teleportation ability to blink out of harms way, provides a massive 5 point boost to Reaction and Dexterity for 5 turns 8 turn cool down [b]Annhilation blast-[/b] A blast of Dark energy AOE attack. Speaker compresses a bubble of antimatter and matter in his hands until releasing the energy shackles that hold them apart, causing an annhilation reaction that deals damage to Speaker and the enemy, Half of damage applied to speaker is applied to the Enemy as well in addidtion to the base damage. (DMs decision?) [b]Unrelenting Will[/b] passive ability- allows me to escape traps and clear status effects a turn quicker. It also provides a save for healing equal to 3/4 damage dealt to speaker, after taking 3 hits without opponent miss. ULT: [b]Embrace the Deep[/b]- Speaker gains control over the movements and actions of the enemy for (2?... 1) turn (DM's decision) Entrance: Don't Fear the Reaper- Blue Oyster Cult Appearance: The Speaker is shadowy, smoky, black figure with a Black porcelain mask. He is the embodiment of Darkness, and the one true servant of the Deep, a monstrous interdimensional Demi-God bent on consuming all things it can touch. Speaker wears long black flowing robes that seem to smoke and drip with darkness at their seams. [quote]I'm missing something I know it[/quote]

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          • Changes look good! I'll be fixing my loadout soon

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          • I AM NOT LOVABLE!!!

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            • Edited by FastmanLeFast: 7/18/2019 3:37:28 PM
              Rank: Novice Animal: South American Grey Fox Weapons: HF Murasama - A powerful red bladed sword that can cut through a lot of tough objects. It’s red blade may give the appearance it’s on fire but it’s actually high frequency (HF) pulses weakening molecular bonds (note: doesn’t actually do this in fights this is cosmetic) Beowulf - A pair of powerful gauntlets that excel at punching the **** out of things. Yamato - A katana with the capability to cut through time and dimensions. Comes with a scabbard which is used for Vergil’s Judgement Cuts. Ardyn’s Royal Armiger (used by Ardyn only) - Red spectral weapons that merge and combine to deal damage along with actually using one of the weapons, hits build the Armiger gauge (increases the amount of spectral blades that assist up to 12) Defence: Powered suit - Strong but lightweight armour Attributes: 20 - STR 3 - DEX 12 - FAI 5 - SPI 10 - CON 10 - REA Abilities: Absorb - Block an attack and absorb the energy from it and channel it into your next strike Assimilate - Copy a random ability from your opponent (one use only) Arsenal - Instantly phase weapons in and out for instant weapon switching. (Passive) Blade Dash - Use your powers to quickly close the gap and deliver a devastating strike, strike differs based on equipped weapon: (HF Murasama - Piercing stab that does high damage) (Beowulf - Forceful punch that sends the enemy flying backwards) (Yamato - Wide slash followed by additional strikes with sword to send you and your enemy into the air and grants an opportunity to deal damage to them in the air.) Overkill - When near death: (one use only, manual trigger) Lose weapon and go into a blind rage and attack enemies with your fists and ignore all pain (Also gives +2 to STR and -2 CON) Ultimate Ability: Infinite Realities - Call upon reality and summon an ally from a different universe, Use the Empower Ally ability to empower an ally and give them extra attack and defence, Allies attack independently. (Allies include: Ardyn Lucis Caelum, Vergil, Jetstream Sam) (Description of allies are in the spoilers) Vergil: [spoiler]Vergil uses the Yamato and can use the following abilities: Judgement Cut - Slash through reality and create a bubble of 100 cuts in an area, when empowered do three judgement cuts in a row. Rapid Slash - Dash forward and sweep the surrounding area with the Yamato as you go, when empowered, do three of these in a row, on the third rise up into the air damaging enemies while rising and chain into judgement cuts while hovering. [/spoiler] Ardyn: [spoiler]Ardyn Lucis Caelum uses the Royal Armiger and can use the following abilities: Daemon Tornado - Cast a tornado formed from pure assimilated darkness, when empowered the tornado is larger. Overkill - When near death: Go into a blind rage and attack enemies with your fists while ignoring all pain, the Armiger cannot be used during this. But when empowered the Armiger uses spectral blades as an assist. [/spoiler] J. Sam: [spoiler]Jetstream Sam uses the HF Murasama and can use the following abilities: Quickdraw - Sheathe the blade and use the scabbard to dash forward and deliver a powerful slash, while empowered do this 3 times in a row. Crushing Counterstrike - Deflect a blow and retaliate with a powerful counterstrike. While empowered retaliate with a flurry of slashes before delivering a finishing blow. [/spoiler] Entrance: A blue X sliced through the air and a portal opens and I walk through with Yamato in hand, I phase it out as the portal implodes with yellow energy and shuts. Appearance: Red and black powered suit - black mechanical mask which closes and opens, silver hair with yellow eyes. (WIP am gonna change when I’m back from holiday, if it’s past 7/19 and this hasn’t changed remind me) Song: The Duel - DMC5 OST

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              • Edited by Loot: 6/26/2019 4:28:23 PM
                ... Nothing Wagered nothing gained... [quote]Strength: 30 Constitution: 30 Everything else: 0 Animal: Kodiak Appearance: Black fur, red eyes, black armor, on the upper chest armor a gaping dragon's mouth is engraved into it, with rubies for eyes, both of the shoulders are in the shape of a roaring lion, also with rubies for eyes, embedded into each of the knuckles of the gauntlets are rubies, the boots are pointed at the toe, into the knees are also embedded rubies, the belt is in the shape of an eagle's head, with ruby eyes and a golden beak, the helmet is in the shape of a lions head with the face peaking out the open mouth, a large thruster is on the back, and smaller thrusters are on the bottoms of the arms and the sides of the boots Intro Song: Back in Black by AC/DC Entrance: Falls from the sky, lands on both feet, and flexes. Weapons: A great sword sized sword breaker, a hammer and an axe meant to be dual wielded, a rocket propelled mace, and an energy shield Ult: leaps into the air and activated all thrusters simultaneously and smashes the mace into the opponent Abilities: Blinding Rage: On the next attack the user will deal double damage, with half the accuracy. Shatter: smashes the ground to stun the opponent. Lion's Roar: enhances the strength for the next turn Dragon's Gold: Enhances the Constitution for the next turn Eagle's Cry: Enhances the reaction for the next turn [/quote] Edit: I'm done, unless something needs to change.

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                • Edited by D, Hunter of the Dead: 6/27/2019 2:34:50 PM
                  Outer Animal: White wolf [b]Stats[/b]: Strength- 6 Dexterity- 18 Faith- 14 Spirit- 4 Constitution- 0 Reaction- 18 [b]Weapons[/b]: Vampiric Scimitars (2)- absorbs enemies life force to strengthen themselves (the base attack of these is strength but are strengthened with magic attack) and heal a small amount of health Oblivion throwing knives (20ish)- same oblivion effect described below Oblivion Staff- quarterstaff that deals dark damage/magic damage. Oblivion effect [b]Oblivion Effect[/b]: empowers the howl abilities and abyssal dagger ability as well as increases how often oblivion Walker ability can be used [b]Abilities[/b] : Abyssal Dagger- a magic dagger that can be summoned Oblivion Walker- phase through attacks Strengthened Senses (passive)- can only see from one eye so other senses are improved Pack Howl- summons a wolf companion to help fight Death Howl- blinds and disorients enemies [b]Ultimate[/b]: Lycanthropy- at the brink of death, transforms into a monstrous white werewolf with extremely high constitution and strength. Loses all weapons and becomes a savage creature that attacks and slaughters everything. Vulnerable to magic though [b]Entrance[/b]: charge into the battlefield in wolf form, howl at the moon, then transform into human form [b]Song Intro[/b]: I am changing it to Of Wolf and Man by Metallica since it fits my character [b]Appearance[/b]: long white overcoat, with a white long-brimmed hat. One eye is a polar white while the other (the eye that is usable) is a pale blue

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                • Bump for later pls

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                  • If I haven’t done OAFL yet, can I create a load out and participate?

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                    • Edited by ACROCANTHUS: 6/26/2019 5:14:13 PM
                      Outer Animal: Red Fox Weapons: Power glove: A glove on my left hand that can fire a burst of kinetic energy, a bolt of lightning, and rip holes in reality to create portals. High Power Revolver: A revolver that fires sniper bullets. Power Staff: a metal staff with valves to channel astral powers to empower each attack. Armor: Astral Armor: light and invisible armor that exists in this realm and the astral realm. Stats: Strength - 0 Dexterity - 11 Faith - 16 Spirit - 0 Constitution - 16 Reaction - 17 Abilities: Summon Ember: Ember is an astral fox and my conduit to use astral powers in the physical plane and can empower them by 10% with his presence. Astral Beam: fire a beam of astral energy from my right hand. Astral Bomb: throw a bomb of astral energy that explodes in a damaging and blinding burst of energy. Astral Decimation Beam: Fire a beam of astral energy with my right hand, lower damaging than my normal beam, but causes a high damage explosion on my command. Astral Blink: Turn my body to astral energy and instantly move it to a close position before rematerizing into my physical form. (Just a teleport) Ult Ability: Astral Obliteration: release a massive amount of astral energy from my body to deal heavy damage. Can be released in a beam, in an explosion from my body, or through contact. Entrance: Return from the astral realm then lean against a wall and begin tossing a ball of astral energy up and down in one hand. Music: Fisticuffs by Marah in the Mainsail Appearance: Normal person wears a red duster coat with white ornamentation on it. The ornamentation glows yellow when I use astral powers. Mid length blonde hair and deep purple eyes.

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                    • Edited by abearjo: 6/26/2019 4:20:47 PM
                      Whoops, replied too early

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                    • Edited by Cell-3: 6/26/2019 9:38:25 PM
                      Alt loadout: Note: Black fire cannot be extinguished Secondary Magic Loadout: Spell: Black Fire (Range magical damage from 7 feet and beyond, melee magical damage from 0-7 feet): Mystical dragonfire that is cloaked, so that the fire is only visible as a ripple in air. Deals 2 damage over time over the course of 2 turns, and sticks to surfaces for 2 turns as well Flammaetoris (Range Magical): Causes a shower of flaming hot magma to pelt the enemy’s position from overhead. Leaves an area burning for 3 turns as well. Weapon: Black Fire Scythe (Magical Melee): Imbued with Black Fire, top of Scythe can detach from the handle via chain and can be used as a flail/grappling hook. Is constantly on fire, so anyone else trying to grab it will get severely burned. Glove of Ignis (Magical Melee): A gauntlet sealed with the power of fire, can form walls of black fire that act as physical barriers. Walls of fire can also be used as shields. When the enemy is alight with fire, deals bonus damage. Unenchanted Greatsword: Normal Physical Attack, can be imbued with black fire whenever, but will turn it into a magical melee. Abilities: Fire Spirit (Passive): Wings of fire on my back can be used to traverse the battlefield Lava Burst (Magical Ranged): Sends a burst of black fire spewing from the ground next to the opponent. Graverot Teleportation (Can only be used as a defense): I fall towards the ground and appear directly opposite of the enemy’s direction. Faith 15 Strength 15 Spirit 11 Con 9 Reaction 11 Dex 0 Ult: DarkSpire Catastrophe: Summons the great dragon Flammaetoris from an overhead portal, and he patrols the area for 4 turns, dealing huge damage whenever he hits. Flammaetoris starts with [b]2 power points[/b], and gains a power point for each turn he is in play, so he can attain a max of [b]6 power points[/b]. If Flammaetoris has the correct corresponding amount of power points, I can call on him to perform a specific attack. Attacks available for Flammaetoris are listed below: Unleash (Can be casted upon summon): Lose control over Flammaetoris’s attacks and have him go for the opponent for the next four turns. Roar (Casted when entering the fight): Disorients the opponent’s soul, giving them -1 to their Spirit until the end of my next turn. Flame Trance (1 power point): Causes the whole arena to burn with fire, catching all opponents on fire. Black Fire Breath (1 power point): Flames the opponent (does the same amount of damage as the Blackfire scythe would do) Dimensional Portal (2 power points): Teleports the opponent to a position of my choosing. Can also work to teleport me to an area of my choosing Flame Trifecta (3 Power Points): AoE explosion that deals Black Fire damage and causes a permanent fiery smog that gives -2 Spirit to all opponents who are in it. Zone stretches in a spherical position with a 30 ft radius. Fiery Cast: (4 power points) Imbues my warrior with lifeblood of a dragon, granting +7 to all stats during my next 2 turns Awaken (6 power points): My soul fuses with the dragon’s, causing a +5 permanent stat boost and access to a more powerful version of Black Fire While Flammaetoris is active, I can use his attacks in addition to my regular turn action, provided I have the corresponding power points. I can’t perform the same attack from Flammaetoris more than twice in a single turn. As a result of Awaken, Black Fire: Awakened Version does more damage and sticks to surfaces and enemies for much longer. Appearance: Oni mask with robes colored a dark obsidian black with bright hot-red magma highlights of ancient symbols. Defense: Immune to fire damage from my own attacks and abilities. Robes can be discarded to reveal metal armor underneath, although this will decrease my spirit by 2 and increase my constitution 2. Entrance: I walk in with a dragon egg in my arms, staring at the opponent. I punch the egg once, cracking it, and the spirit of a dragon comes out and begins to transfer into my body as I throw the egg shell away. Song: Intro of Her Only Lie (by Work of Art)

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                      • Edited by Bopsheezi: 7/17/2019 8:14:35 PM
                        Bopsheezi Outer Animal : -Iberian Lynx Weapon(s): -Magical Greatsword: Dead Hive Defense(s): -Magical plate mail: Dreadwyrm Abilities: -Darkside: Empowers Bop's attacks with dark energy. -Dark explosion: Punch with a dark wrapped fist, causing a large explosion of dark energy. -Shadow wall: Creates a wall of shadow to block and/or mitigate next attack. -Shroud of Darkness: While in a very dark area, ignore attack penalties. -Zapple: A shocking grapple from robot hand Ult: -Time stop: stops time and gives Bop a free turn. Stats: Strength - 11 Dexterity - 0 Constitution - 16 Spirit - 16 Faith - 11 Reaction - 6 Entrance: -Theme: A Long Fall - FFXIV Enters by walking though a dark portal, draws blade and swings it around for a bit. Appearance: -Armor: Black armor with gold accents, chest plate is adorned with a large pauldren on the left shoulder, on the back is a black and gold dragon wing (the "webbing" is the black part) -Weapon: Large sword with a black hilt, and a blade glowing blue. When drawn the blade glows a bright red for 80% of the blade from the tip down, emits red particles and small spiritual butterflies. -General: Brown hair, bright green eyes, fair skin, cat ears and tail (think styled like this: ). Left arm is replaced by a robotic arm from the elbow down. 5/6/2019 EDIT: -Updated Theme song to proper one -Updated appearance slightly 6/3/2019 EDIT: -Updated Theme song again (sorry Ronin) 6/26/2019 EDIT: -Massive overhaul to system -Attributes changed to Stats -Added more abilities -Realize I'm slow as molasses -Cry -Updated Theme song...again (I'll make up my mind someday) 7/5/2019 EDIT: -Updated Theme song...again...again 7/17/2019 EDIT: -Updated abilities.

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                      • Edited by 10 Piece Mcnuggets: 6/26/2019 3:14:08 PM
                        Animal: Harp seal. Defenses: I have armor made of molten living rock. It continuously moves, and swords and other weapons can get stuck in it. Weapons: A longsword made out of necromantic rock and a molten shield. A scythe formed from obsidian. A shield made from rock. Stats: Strength 25 Dexterity 0 Faith 0 Spirit 15 Constitution 15 Reaction 15 Abilities Leech: strikes from the weapons steal the other fighters life force. Summon: use the life force to summon a living rock golem. Feast: consume some of the stored life force to heal. Empower: consume some of the stored life force to empower my attacks for a brief period Close to Death: while low on health I generate life force passively Ultimate: Reaper’s Ally: create a clone from rock and lava that has the same attacks and abilities as myself. Appearance: [url=][/url] Entrance: The ground begins shaking, then a rocky hand explodes out of the ground and pulls the rest of me out. Theme song: One winged angel. [spoiler]Just a few questions. Can you give me exact numbers on how much life force I gain on strikes and how much I need to use my abilities? Do I need Faith? And should I give you stats for the golem?[/spoiler]

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                      • Edited by Cell-3: 6/26/2019 7:10:01 PM
                        Loadout idea: Bowblade: A pair of dual-wielded daggers that can transform to form a collapsable bow which uses arrows Arrow types: 2 Flashbang Arrows 3 Smoke Arrows 5 Explosive Arrows 5 Net Arrows 1 Decoy Arrow (Deploys a decoy wherever it hits) 4 Ricochet Arrows Standard arrows are infinite, and can be used whenever. All arrows deal damage on impact if they have a direct hit. Some AoE arrows like flashbang, explosive, and net arrows will deal minor (explosive will deal major) damage if they hit close to the enemy. Gadgets: Grappling hook used to get out of harm’s way A poisoned Shiv which is mainly a secondary weapon but can also be thrown 15 Reaction 15 Dex 15 Con 10 Spirit 0 Str 5 Faith Ability: (Ult) Dragonstrike: Shoots out a single homing arrow that, when hits, summons a blue mystical dragon that continuously attacks and acts as an ally for four turns. Once the dragonstrike concludes, the dragon explodes into a ball of light, stunning the enemy for a single turn. Does [b]Magical[/b] damage. EDIT: Added a new passive ability: Ranger’s Luck Every time an arrow hits its target, it has a 25% chance to have its ammunition restored by 1.

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                        • This is too much work bruh

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                        • Budump.

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