I've been trying to farm my a** off to try and get any of the catalysts from strikes and crucible since season of opulence launched and I've done it with the clan perk active in the previous season but have yet to see a single one drop. Whats the point of these things if they only drop to every teammate ever but never drops for you. Seriously who's c**k should I s**k to see a single drop Bungie ?
I realize these things are meant to be rare but there is an issue of taking it too far. Please give us some way to guarantee drops like eg: increases chance of earning them per listed crucible match/strike completion. This effect can continue until one eventually drops. RNG that never works for you but for everyone else is seriously not funny when you actually do put in time to go grind these things out.
The clan perk was definitely a good step but atleast for me has done absolutely nothing so I hope you guys can do something to improve drop rates for people like me.
PS: If you are someone with similiar issues then please help by upvoting, if not please don't downvote, you can leave if this is none of your concern :)
Should be a guaranteed drop before ten strikes. make it a point to do 200k nightfalls with a guaranteed catalyst drop....or have the catalyst drop with the weapon so then all you have to do is get the kills to completw it. Why is this so hard for bungie to get?!?