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6/19/2019 2:20:01 PM

Hammer VS. Cell-3 @ Ender's Sparring Grounds (GM: Ronin)

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to another OAFL fight! Today, [b]Novice Hammer, the Siberian Bear[/b] has challenged [b]Novice Cell-3, the Snowy Owl[/b] to a fight at [b]Ender’s Sparring Grounds[/b]! Your host for this evening is none other than me, Ronin! Let the fighters enter the arena! As the sun peeks around the planet below, it lights up the arena, arranged differently than when the last fighters used it. This time, the diamonds are arranged in such a way so as to create a tunnel of space surrounded by a maze of carbon-fiber diamonds. At one end of the tunnel, Hammer teleports in with a flourish, eyes aglow with his menace! [spoiler]Hammer’s loadout:[/spoiler] [url=][u]This[/u][/url] begins playing over the loudspeakers installed in the arena, and on the other end of the tunnel, Cell-3 enters the field, floating in while spinning his High Frequency (HF) Blade! He clenches his fist, charging it with electricity, and runs a finger down the sword, eyeing Hammer silently while doing so. [spoiler]Cell-3’s loadout:[/spoiler] [u][i][b]BEGIN FIGHT![/b][/i][/u] Hammer flashes a middle finger at Cell-3, and Cell-3 responds by hurling a shuriken in Hammer’s direction, but Hammer slides to the side with plenty of time to spare and watches the shuriken go spinning by. He looks back at Cell-3 and begins studying his every move, waiting. Cell-3 pushes off the diamond behind and floats forward and upward, closing about a third of the distance and hovering just where the roof of the tunnel would be, relative to Hammer and Cell-3’s perspectives. Hammer pushes a diamond in Cell-3’s direction, and though Cell-3 dodges it, it collides with the section of the maze above the tunnel, causing the diamonds to be closer together and making it more difficult to move through that area. Cell-3 chooses to remain where he his, holds his sword horizontally, and begins charging it with electricity. While he is doing that, Hammer pushes another diamond towards Cell-3, which arrives right as Cell-3 finishes charging his sword. Quickly, Cell-3 sheathes his blade and shoves the diamond back at Hammer. The diamond collides next to Hammer and cramps the section of the maze behind Hammer. Hammer jumps toward Cell-3, closing a part of the distance and putting him within teleporting range of Cell-3, but Cell-3 responds by throwing a kunai at a diamond near Hammer, aiming to hit Hammer with the debris from the exploding kunai! Hammer jumps to the side, but the debris still nicks him, meaning that Cell-3 has drawn first blood! Even if it is the tiniest of scratches… Hammer, in response, disappears suddenly and reappears next to Cell-3 brandishing his chainsaw katanas! Faster than the blink of an eye, faster than what should be possible, Cell-3 becomes a blur of motion, and as he slows back down, Hammer’s arm begins bleeding profusely! Cell-3 sliced it open! Hammer retaliates by swinging his two katanas at Cell-3, one at his head and the other at his abdomen! Cell-3 ducks to dodge the strike at his head, but is unable to dodge the strike to his body! The chainsaw blade cuts deep, and Cell-3 staggers from the damage! Cell-3 blurs once again, and this time, as he slows to more human speeds, Hammer’s arm has been slashed with his own chainsaw and his legs have been cut by Cell-3’s HF Blade! Hammer uppercuts with one of his chainsaw blades and stabs at Cell-3’s arm with the other one in response, and though Cell-3 moves his arm to dodge that sword, the katana aimed at his head slices through, and Cell-3 staggers backward slightly from the severe damage! Cell-3 flicks his wrist and hurls a kunai at Hammer whilst staggering and flips backward away from Hammer so he can regain his composure. However, Hammer disappears from sight! He reappears behind a diamond near Cell-3, but it doesn’t seem like Cell-3 notices Hammer at all! A moment passes, and in wait for Hammer’s move, Cell-3 takes two shurikens and holds them near his sword, charging them with electricity as well. Brilliant move, but will he live long enough to use them? Hammer jumps to another diamond behind Cell-3, clearly looking to launch a surprise attack against Cell-3, but Cell-3 seems to notice the movement! He jumps forward by kicking another diamond into the section of the maze behind him, further cramping the maze and causing Hammer to be thrown free of his cover and giving away his position to Cell-3! Hammer fights his way through the now-doubly cramped maze and comes out into the open, but as he does so, Cell-3 flings a kunai at him and jumps into the maze above! Hammer, in response, lifts up a hand and HOLY MOTHER OF CHEESE BALLS! He catches the kunai in his hand and puts it in a pocket, storing it for later! He draws his two chainsaw katanas and jumps toward Cell-3, looking once more to stab one through his head and the other through his arm! Cell-3, however, steps to his side, causing both attacks to miss entirely! Cell-3 flicks his wrist again and a shuriken comes hurtling out at Hammer, who is now very close! In his small window to react, Hammer disappears and reappears behind Cell-3, burning another teleport, but setting up an opportunity to attack! And he does so, with a stab toward Cell-3’s head and another toward Cell-3’s arm! Cell-3 parries both strikes with his sword, but the chainsaws still manage to cut him up slightly, forcing him to still take damage. However, his sword was still charged with electricity! Hammer takes some conductive damage as the electricity arcs along his swords and into him! Cell-3 disengages from Hammer and makes his way back to the center of the hall of empty space below him, recharging his sword as he does so. Hammer takes his golden opportunity! He yanks out the kunai from earlier, flicks his wrist, and strikes Cell-3 in his injured arm with the kunai! Cell-3, after charging his sword and recovering from the strike, takes out two kunai and holds them to his sword, charging them like he did the shuriken earlier. Hammer prepares to counter, and Cell-3 does the same thing, so now the arena freezes and both fighters wait with baited breath. At this point in time, Cell-3 is not doing good at all, as far as health goes, and though Hammer’s doing slightly better, they both look bloodied and beat up. To break the waiting game, Cell-3 flings out one of his charged shurikens at Hammer, and though Hammer dodges to the side, the electricity arcs to him, causing some minor damage! Hammer dashes toward Cell-3 and swings both katanas, but Cell-3 moves backward, causing both strikes to miss entirely! Cell-3 moves a little farther away from Hammer and sends out a charged kunai! However, Hammer disappears and reappears behind Cell-3, burning another use of teleport in an effective manner! He swings at Cell-3’s arm and head with both katanas once again, but instead of defending, Cell-3 stabs his other charged kunai under Hammer’s arm and strikes Hammer in the face with his charged sword, causing a lot of damage! As the dust settles from the explosion of the kunai, Cell-3 and Hammer’s bodies drift away from each other, Cell-3 having been killed by Hammer’s strikes and Hammer being killed by Cell-3’s strikes. [u][i][b]It is a DRAW!!![/b][/i][/u] Congratulations to both fighters for a duel well-fought! If you would like to learn more about the OAFL, visit the Master Post [url=][u]here[/u][/url]!

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