back in the day prometheus lens came in ...
and was op (like one shot everything) and crucible was ruined
BUT now you're making the same mistake with "lord of wolves" because it ain't a pulse riffle,
it ain't a sniper, it ain't a shotgun...
it's all of it at the same time !
it's ruining pvp again !
Alright i don't wanna be rude because i love destiny but ...bungie ?
Bungie ? those guys in the back in shadowkeep's vidoc that are supposed to be "TESTING" stuff, are they really working ? like are you paying them ? because you shouldn't
I don't even understand why you changed lord of wolves, it was a garbage exotic that was pretty cool in PVE and now it ruins pvp ... and that's sad
please fix it asap
still lovin' you and i hope shadowkeep is gonna be great
On PC I agree it's broken on console not as bad. I did try it on ps4 and meh still prefer my last word and sniper. Few games I had a 1 v 1 with a LOW user and 90 percent of the time I'd win. I have seen the YouTube videos of this though funnily enough the all on PC and Steamers lol.