UPDATE - They seemed to drop from Nightfalls (not sure if any other sources, this may even be a bug) and also therefore means I don't need to complete the Corsair Down one to complete the map, thankfully.
Hi all,
I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, I haven't looted a Corsair Down bounty in many months, certainly feels like more than 6 months, since I did a boss/endgame version of it (pretty sure I didn't imagine this.)
How can I progress with the quest if they won't drop for me? I can't continue on another character because the quest is character based it seems.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Go to Petra and pick up the 4 maps if you have not already. I did the Nessus map and it registered towards the main bounty, but the Nessus bounty reset. So, I did Nessus again to get the Trust. The whole mission is screwed up totally. But, do it fast, because I believe there is a hotfix coming out tomorrow which will most likely address this.