So because i was out of town and didnt open my barge chests or buy my 3 weekly wealth of the emperor till sunday now because of some reset glitch i cant get any this week which is super weak, imperials are so limited as is and now thats 4500 i cant get this week which is like 60% of the weekly you can get (obv i not including triumphs) but even eith triumphs i did all of the quick ones, i know ill get 4 from the bounties and 1 from this weeks boss but still to be 4500 behind because of a glitch. It was bungies fault they shouldve just allowed the people who got twice the weekly amount to keep it as a bonus and not punish the some 35% of player base that didnt get double last week by giving them nothing this week. C'mon Bungie this is messed up.
Hi there. Thanks for reporting this to us. We noticed that the Barge chests reset on Sunday rather than on Tuesday; we're currently investigating this issue.