I reset my valor rank 5 times in season 6 nearing the end of it
And the quest didn't tell me to go to shaxx
Iv bin on crucible for so long
I was on my last reset I'm not taking no for a answer.
Bungie you fix this right now I struggle my rear off I have exactly 5 resets
I want my redrix right now
I am not doing a another 5 reset to be cheated from my hard work for a quest.
I want my answer from you to resolve this problem on your end
And I say again I'm not taking no for a answer for something that didn't work
This your is game and I love it huge fun of it but I worked hard for it and where i am.
I want a message that says you fix this
Thank you
Close the application and start it back up, usually fixes it
Go to the tower...go back to orbit...go back to the tower...collect loot.