And let us know what type of activity is more prevalent in the game?
I am waiting!
You can solo stories/patrols(for only so long). Everything else is team queued.
you can solo everything up to raids and some LEGENDARY missions, like outbreak EVERYTHING If you arent good enough to do it, thats a U problem, and the game should not cater to U TY for proving my point Nightfals? All Soloable Crucible? Solo queue all day Hc missions? Solo Shattered throne? One shot last boss, easiest activity in game Gambit? Soloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo go Basically only things u cant solo are teh raids, reckoning and forges Sorry, game wont get easier because you cant click one button
Edited by wes238: 5/29/2019 1:04:08 PMSolo queueing into a team game mode isn't the same as playing solo. I never said I couldn't solo stuff.
i asked what solo activities u can do, you folks keep avoiding responses face it, you suck at the game and u want the game to be dumbed down to your level I SEE NOW WHY U WANT NERFS: G T F O
I never said I couldn't solo stuff, I answered your question. [b]The only things you can play solo in this game and not get put with a team is stories/patrols.[/b] Oh wow, you checked my raid stats lol. Try my D1 stats choade, I had about 100 clears. The raids in this game are bad.
FALSE U CAN PLAY STRIKES SOLO U CAN PLAY NF SOLO MY QUESTION IS : [quote]CAN U MAKE US A LIST , WITH ACTIVITIES YOU CANT SOLO VERSUS ACTIVITIES YOU CAN SOLO?[/quote] U avoided it because u know the answer already [u]Again , you have ONE raid clear,[/u] I think i know what your issue is, and its not the solo issue Yeah, kinda hard to find ppl to raid with, if you sport that attitude, pal
Ooohhh, way to change the subject again instead of reading. Playing strikes/gambit/crucible isn't playing solo, that's being on a team. Like I said about 100 raid clears in D1 and D2 raids are bad, but keep posting my clears and changing the subject instead of accepting you're wrong. GG.
go play dark siders, go play elder scrolls, solo games this is a co op bye, God u ppl suck
Shouldn't have to, it's obvious
I politely insist
Check the other comments then