You really think those who put in the effort to use third-party LFGs are the same as those who would use automatic matchmaking? REALLY?
Let me clarify. I've played plenty of MMOs in my life that have A) LFG and B) automatic matchmaking. They're two different beasts entirely and I feel like you're going off of how you [b]feel[/b] it would work based on your experience with guided games without having actually partaken in automatic matchmaking in difficult content before. Whatever logic you have is coming completely out of your ass with conjecture and you've got a real high horse issue jumping to the conclusions that I dislike the casual community because I dismissed your idea on a topic you don't know jack on.
Edit: Grammar, words, etc.
You're really good at projecting. Yeah, it is the same people and even if it wasn't it wouldn't affect you because you wouldn't have to participate. Ran hundreds of raids in D1 and Sherpa'd countless players through raids. Used GG a bunch in D2 Y1. Never had a single bad GG matchup, can't say the same for LFG sites. Also played WoW for years before and after raid mm. It made that game better at endgame and people who don't agree are gatekeepers, which is all you're doing now. So you can be as ignorant as you want, it doesn't make you remotely right.
Its almost like its easier to carry a single person instead of dealing with 5 other randoms who have no idea how to do the raid. There are people who struggle with basic strike mechanics and you want them in a raid?
You do know WoW's LFR made them severely nerfed and easier to complete, right?..