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Edited by Lost Sols: 5/28/2019 8:34:37 PM

Dear all the people making sh*t comments to people who want a more friendly solo experience...

It wouldn't affect your experience one iota, so be maybe stop, put on a thinking cap and contemplate what you're about to say before you post something ignorant. Facts: making the game better for solo play doesn't mean getting rid of team activities or even dumbing them down. What it does mean is -better Matchmaking in PvP environments that are currently extremely unbalanced towards fireteams. -more and/or better matchmaking options for PvE content like Nightfalls, raids and dungeons. -more endgame content like Shattered Throne that can be done solo or in a fireteam and both are a true endgame challenge. If you want to keep having a game to play into the future, you might not want to tell people who experience the game differently than you to "find another game". You also might want to try a little empathy and understanding instead of faux internet basement-rage. Thanks.
#destiny2 #DTC

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  • This is a multiplayer game

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    • More content like shattered throne would be amazing. I remember the old days of soloing crota. Sure I could have run with fireteams but the solo challenge is what I enjoyed.👍

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    • Or just get a team lol

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    • Better pvp matchmaking I can understand, nightfall matchmaking I can get behind however it gets a bit complicated with modifiers and locked loadouts, but raid matchmaking? No just no. I have been a sherpa, I have helped new friends as well as have been helped. That being said I can think of nothing less enjoyable than a random joining a raid squad. Might have a mic, might be a high enough level, might have researched enough to have a viable loadout and some idea of mechanics, might have the time needed to complete the raid, might not be a dick or annoying, might have thumbs. That's alot of mights. If u want more Sherpas then reward them for the extra time and effort spent teaching. Give an extra round of loot for taking a newbie through it for your 2nd (or 4th) run for the week. That's how u encourage helping not by matchmaking.

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      • Edited by FL00FING AB0UT: 5/29/2019 7:50:22 PM
        Maybe try God of War? Sekiro? Like, I don’t know what to tell you. You can’t even turn in quests at the tower without being with other people. It’s pretty obvious that the intent of the game is to have many players playing (which if that was the advertised intent, why’d you buy it?) Asking for solo content in a game intended for multiple player characters in a scenario isn’t logical. The game isn’t meant to be for solo players nor was it ever advertised as such. Like you’re asking them to make things for solos when this whole game has NEVER been about solo play. Everyone else plays to play with people. Destiny is an FPSMMORPG. The MM means “massive MULTIPLAYER.” If you bought an fpsmmorpg for solo content, I really just am hard pressed to say you made a purchase without consideration for your own interests or desires. If you genuinely expect a game that advertised itself as something entirely other than what you wanted, but you bought it anyways, and then you ask that they change it to better suit what you wanted, even though it was never supposed to be that (again because most activities REQUIRE multiple players), you’re delusional or have no sense of what appropriate entitlement is. Edit: I’m not saying solo content would be bad to add, but it’s not really anything that has precedent you can point to and it’s not likely they’ll start developing it now when that’s not the intent.

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        34 Replies
        • You're incorrect, it does affect gameplay. Creating alternate playlists for solo will ultimately create more bottle necking with their horrible servers, among other scenarios. It's more complex than you're making it. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see these changes as well, but I just don't see them happening for a plethora of reasons.

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          • I think that goes against the vision Bungie has for Destiny

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          • Funny how this game is in, what some consider to be, its worst state yet.... Man, it's got to be because of all of this solo friendly content that just keeps distracting these poor developers from creating the most epic hand-holding-team-shooting-Olympic-marathon-inspired content ever! Damn you, selfish solo players!

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          • Well said .

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          • 1
            More fun with friends

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          • [b]Alternatively, get good.[/b]

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            Ill say it. Find another game. Crying usually equals negative results.

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            • PvP matchmaking needs improving. And there is nothing wrong with a better solo experience. BUT If PvE (raid) matchmaking exists, then solo players must accept that mechanics will not be changed, bosses will not be nerfed, and encounters will not be dumbed down. This is what most players who are against PvE matchmaking have a problem with. Raids require communication. So if they introduce matchmaking, players must acknowledge that you need a mic. That you need to learn the fights. That you can't expect to easily complete it. Because raid tuning cannot and should not be tailored to a solo crowd when it is the Pinnacle fireteam activity.

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            • Matchmaking in raids. Hah. The only thing you said that I didn’t just roll my eyes at was PvP. Rest is nonsense.

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            • Edited by lCertifiedl: 5/29/2019 10:08:06 AM
              Yeah let's beat this dead horse again and again. It's a multiplayer game, that can be played solo, not a solo game. The fact it match makes you for the vast majority of content proves this point. The majority of the content can be played solo bar a few end game activities that require communication, bungie have stated before this is why these activities do not have match making. Half the people complaining spend ages writing huge posts about how unfair it is yet can't be bothered to spend the time putting a team together on the exact same app. Give over it's getting old really fast. Plus your post ain't the same as the vast majority, asking for solo friendly matchmaking isnt what most solo players ask for in this place, more activities like shattered throne are coming apparently.

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              7 Replies
              • Edited by NegativeCycle: 5/29/2019 4:04:09 PM
                No I don't understand it, it's stupid to want to play a game that is designed and billed as a multiplayer experience to demand to play by yourself. Sure there are times when you will be alone in this game but that's not what it's built to be primarily played as. If you are a recluse and fear talking to people or get anxiety in social situations this isn't the game for you. There is any number of other games to play that feature full on single player content. Furthermore no, adding matchmaking to experiences like raids will just lead to their dumbing down and simplification. All matchmaking in raids and dungeons will encourage is AFK players, people ill equipped for the raid, underlevelled, no mic, no idea what they are doing. It will be a complete nightmare. Hell half the idiots can't even grasp the simple concept in vanguard strikes to MATCH ELEMENTAL SUBCLASSES to get credit for your 3 strikes a week for a powerful drop. If half the people can't even figure that out do you really think a more complex and engaging encounter like a raid will be anything but a total shit show?

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                10 Replies
                • Yes it would. Eventually people would start complaining things are too hard. And Bungie needs to make an easy mm version. Killing resources for more content. Also it would dilute the pool, and people such as myself would never of been forced out their comfort zone, and now today can raid w the best of them. Some of the activities I can do w no mic. Until the mm system is able to get as detailed as lfg, ya no Thx

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                  • Bungie might not have the staff to concentrate on making more solo activities as they are concentrating on the multiplayer aspect of the multiplayer game they created.

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                  • Matchmaking in dungeons and nightfall's sounds like a decent idea but matchmaking in raids would end horribly.

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                    10 Replies
                    • Edited by Xero: 5/29/2019 5:20:56 PM
                      What is [i][b]your[/b][/i] definition of "solo friendly"? The point I am gathering from your post so far is "matchmaking won't hurt if it is placed in Raids and Nightfalls" that mainly it? I can understand and agree with that. But asking for specific solo endgame content, that is seperate from a raid would seem redundant. That is just basing things off the nature of the game as a whole. It's easier to put in things for existing that firewalled option in the Spring event.

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                    • I dont think Bungie has enough manpower to make any meaningful changes to the game. So feedback at this juncture this far into the games life cycle for anything major is kind of pointless.

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                    • Nightfalls, sure. Dungeons? Sure. Raids? Heroic activities? Ehhhh.....

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                    • Solo players = people who like to play alone, want more activities they can complete alone Lazy people = people who ask for more matchmaking, complain about the difficult of everything and ask for Bungie to make everything easier/dumb everything down I have nothing against more content for solo players. If you ask for more matchmaking you're not a solo player, you're just too lazy to use the find fireteam feature which basically does the SAME THING as matchmaking.

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                      3 Replies
                      • These are the same players that believe the "team up, make new friends" hype. It's all about the bottom line, they just don't know it. The Investment Team knows that groups are easier to manipulate than individuals. Cosmetic items, emotes, sparrows and ships sell better if FOMO and peer-pressure can be used as a sales tool. Team play also keeps people playing after they would normally have lost interest. How many times have you seen people in the forums say "I would play more (raids,nightfalls,Gambit etc.) but none of my friends play anymore." The Investment Team's job is to manipulate us all but some people just don't see it.

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                        4 Replies
                        • [quote]It wouldn't affect your experience one iota[/quote] It means they're spending dev resources on solo content instead of group content, which definitely does affect my experience. I'm not opposed to it, but it's a tradeoff.

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                        • [quote]Dear all the people making sh*t comments to people who want a more friendly solo experience...[/quote] Did not expect that from you. Although to be honest this crap has been going on a long time. Even though I don't really play anymore it was something that always seemed to come up at some time or another over the last 4 years. The moment anybody pushed for more solo content people would come out and say 'play something else' or 'you're just rubbish at the game.' It's a pretty strange thing for people to NOT want other people to play Destiny. Thing is other games are already doing a better job then Destiny. It was all fine and dandy when they had no competition. Been playing The Division 2 and I've had no problem playing the end game content on my own with a bunch of randoms from within the game. It's almost like people are blaming some other players for inadequacies on Bungie's part. They've known for the longest time that solo players have never really been happy when it comes to endgame and that Bungie themselves have struggled to really do any thing about it.

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