The Frontline
[i]our first line of defense, the last one they will ever see[/i]
Hakke auto rifle
600rpm (Adaptive frame)
60 magazine size
GA post
Has a front shield(because I think that's cool)
Extended mag
Snapshot sights
Kill clip
[b]Hold the line[/b] [i]Intrinsic perk[/i]
Kills with this weapon reloads this weapons mag from reserves. Activates kill clip and lasts longer(by 1 or 2s)
I am a big fan of auto rifles. I also really like 21% delirium with how killing tally and overflow work so well together. I originally wanted killing tally with this exotic auto rifle but I feel the pinnacle weapons perks need to stay unique to them exclusively.
But how does this sound? Anauto rifle that gets kill clip on kill. Basically rampage that lasts longer. But it's an exotic. It should do something that breaks the rules. It feels like it could be great in both pve and pvp. I want the front shield on it purely to make it look different and I like front shields. Although it does fit a gun to hold the first line of defense with. Hence the flavor text.
What are your guys opinion. OP, UP or lame?
All good as long as it also repels fleas and ticks! Sorry, had to do it. Lol