I don’t know about everyone else, but Prime engrams could use a little bit of a rework itself.
Why aren’t they tied to the activity that you got them in?
Say you’re in the dreaming city and a prime engram drops, it could be tied in with the Dreaming City loot table.
Same thing with Gambit, Crucible, Raids and Strikes, kinda like how the old clan engrams used to work.
It would be a lot better than getting scatterhorn armor constantly. Or your 1,000th bad reputation.
Just a thought.
Edit: This would also help out with infusion, reducing the cost of cores. I.e. infusing a more powerful Prime engram rewarded bygones into a lower leveled better bygones wouldn’t take cores to infuse.
People would just farm certain activities for specific guns/rolls.
I’d love that. I haven’t even got my hands on the genysm armor set.
To easy to exploit for raid loot. Cant have something that you can farm be able to drop raid loot. Any other playlist I agree with to a point but it might make getting titles to easy
No joke. Last 5 prime engrams.... Crooked fang Scatterhorn chest Scatterhorn chest Crooked fang Scatterhorn chest 2 of them from dreaming city 1 from Titan 1 from Tangled shore 1 from Mars
Prime engram? Oh, you mean edge transit engrams.
They should also be able to drop exotics. A small chance, this would make them relevant after you hit max power
Bump. Good idea. 👍😁🎖
Not gonna lie I would love and hate that because I would get different loot much more often, buuuuuut I wouldn’t be able to infuse my duke mk 44 via straight infusion (only glimmer) as much
Great idea, I like it 👍👍
Yes to this. Twighlight Oath is the only thing that won't drop for me to get Wayfarer (and that bloody secret vicrory emblem). Only having about 3/4 chances a week to get it is 💩
That's what certain powerful gear drops are for. Go do Blind Well if you want Dreaming City gear. Forge your two powerful frames for Black Armory Forge gear. Not really seeing the issue here.
It makes sense. I agree this should be a thing.
I think there are more important issues that should be addressed first.
Ooh, I love getting Prodigal Mark. So many prodigal marks, I could wear them as a kilt, if I equipped them all together.
Well while it sounds like a good idea on paper, the premise of prime engrams is to give you a power bump not give particular gear. You can just level up infamy for Gambit gear as well as do bounties. Same with Crucible. Strikes are strikes and getting strike gear isn't hard but probably if you are bad with rng it is. Raids sounds a little weird since how would that work? If you could get raid gear without needing to complete encounters or open chests. It could help with rng on raid gear but it could get to the point people just wait till their primes build up go into a raid and just keep farming primes till they get all the gear without even really needing to do the raid itself.
Have to disagree with you on the way prime engrams should only be for pve not pvp. It hard enough grinding for them in patrol taking down forge saboteurs & wanted characters where it takes up to 14 hours just for two prime engrams which I think is a little bit too much and that the drop rate should be increased to help low level players level up so they can eventually get around to entertaining the endgame content
I think bungie could slide most of the activities except the endgame ones
I got a prime engram last week while doing gambit. I got a trust with dragonfly and explosive payload. Like your idea. Bump.
Make more different types of primes with different names like Dreaming City Prime or Gambit Prime Prime.
I like this idea a LOT. It would be nice to get something from the dreaming city that wasn't a tigerspite
I agree i haven't gotten a dreaming city weapon in ages
Nah. All Prime Engrams should be Masterwork Tier 4-9 so they’d at least be worth going after after you reach Max.
They should all be edge transits haha
Engram Prime. It's like a regular engram but with gold piercings here and yonder for no apparent reason...
I’m not a developer but that seems like something that wouldn’t be that easy to implement...