[b]The question revolves around your feeling RIGHT NOW, without considering that a new DLC is coming soon. [/b] I will do another one after the last DLC of this year pass and we can, if you are interested, check the results and compare them with these ones.
If you want to give any explanation it's absolutely fine, but remember that this should not be a post about bits of advice on how to improve the game, those things deserve their own posts.
I am doing this because I am genuinely curious about where the community stands after this two DLCs and the season pass formula, the nerfs the buff, the decisions the developers made and their communications towards us, the players. But also because more than upvotes a poll is an easy and efficient way to determine a user base approval.
Bungie you are welcome, I guess some valuable information will come out of here, giving you enough insights on your community mood and feeling towards the brand you are developing. It's market research, in this case, it also tangles with userbase satisfaction, approval, experience and mood evaluation. I am asking the community something that in my opinion has been lacking since the launch of this game, on your politics: their honest opinion and transparency on how they feel about your work so far and whether they wish to spend more for your products based on that.
Feel free to use this data however you like, if you will ever see this post.
The current annual pass was a waste of time and money, no thanks