The only way to show Bungie is to stop playing. The problem is the game is like crack to some, and an abusive relationship to most. Unless this happens, nothing will change.
Luckily I have Iceborne for Monster Hunter coming this September. Now THAT game is some damn power fantasy crack for me. I have about well over 750 hours AT LEAST with that game, barely have that with this and I've played them both within the same general periods of time. Capcom can annoy me with MHW, but Bungie has stright up pissed me off. Glad to know I have an excuse to forget this game exists in a couple months.
I need to get back to MH, but it can kick my ass and after a while I need a break. lol MHW is my first in the franchise, but it’s a lot of fun.
The archtempereds, especially, can be a right pain in the ass. Lol. I've kind of burned myself out on it, but I'm pumped to get back into it with some fresh stuff come September. A lot of diehard fans call it the worst one, but I appreciate the improvements to user friendliness and other things. The variety sucks, but they DID have to make entirely new skeletons and models from scratch, but it's still well worth it in the end, regardless. Looking forward to updated versions of the base game armour in the new Master Rank. G Rank in the old games would have brand new chanhes to the physical appearances of armour, and you can see it'll be the same in the latest trailer. During the Nargacuga parts, the Hunter has a totally different looking Bone-like set(might be the other tribal one of higher rarity, but still new looking). It'll be awesome to see more badass versions of the base game armours.