All these posts and i still haven't read one good reason why cores should be removed from infusion. Just a bunch of over exaggeration and personal attacks on Bungie. Grow up.
then you didnt read the posts.
It breaks the game. It breaks masterworking because nobody uses their cores to masterwork if even one piece of preferred gear is under max light, let alone if they find something better that needs to be infused. It breaks the flow of the game by dragging players away from activities like Crucible, Forges, or Gambit to grind out shells to buy bounties that forces player to change planets (and endure extensive load times) to go and wait for X enemy to spawn, creating huge downtime if you're unlucky. It breaks gear value because nobody looks at the gear if it isn't higher power and instead is instantly broken down to [i]maybe[/i] give a single core. A curated roll is only ever valued for the cores it creates and powerful rewards are more likely than not to end up infused into something else. It breaks how activities are viewed and creates the ultimatum of "Do you want cores or do you want upgrades, you can't do both." Players aren't choosing activities based on what they want to do, but on this unspoken ultimatum. It's a divided gameplay loop that wastes player's time and effort to attain something that is only briefly available; player agency. Players are burning out and leaving because the endgame grind for cores has no meaningful reward to it and only serves to frustrate and antagonize players.