Lets face it, Wardcliff is an obnoxious weapon in PvP. The reason for this is simply because it is so efficient, especially when masterworked. In PvP it is quite literally the dominant heavy weapon of choice.
This needs to change, because there are a lot of other weapons that get overlooked, especially in competitive.
What I am proposing is not actually a nerf to the actual weapon itself, because as weapons go, it is fine. What I am instead proposing is limiting the amount of ammo that you get for the weapon when you pick up a heavy brick in PvP.
As it stands players currently get 2 rockets per heavy ammo brick, 3 rockets if they have the rocket launcher scavenger perk on their armour. I propose that players only get 1 rocket for Wardcliff Coil per heavy brick, no more, no less and even if you have the Rocket Launcher Scavenger perk on your armour then you will still only get one rocket.
If applied, this change will curtail its obnoxiousness in PvP without actually hurting its effectiveness especially in PvE. What is more it will give other heavy weapons an opportunity to shine as well.
Now I am probably going to get a lot of salty responses to this change as a lot of folk just want to be able to curb stomp in PvP with whatever weapon setup is easiest for them to do so. But Wardcliff has had its time in the sun and now needs to step aside to allow other heavy weapons a chance.
If anything mine needs a HUGE buff. Got the catalyst and everything but mine doesn't do half the crap that I've seen others do. Dude can do a drive by and every single rocket auto locks and tracks my ass through 2 hallways and doorway, but I can basically point blank a whole team capping a zone and all the rockets avoid them like it's a (No Fly Zone). I even see people cross map fools with this thing. Like their rockets fly straight as a jet. Then I shoot mine and every rocket decides it's needs to go it's own way after half a meter.