I would.
Becdause, prior to Forsaken, I rant four builds PER CHARACTER.
Not 5 total. So those 80 cores are just the down payment on the 198 that I would need to play like I used to.
Point is, Bungie has designed the game so that you can't....
[quote]Becdause, prior to Forsaken, I rant four builds PER CHARACTER.[/quote] That's very impressive. What four builds were you running?
I would typically run: 1. A couple of builds PVE/Open world. (usually based on what weapons I wanted to run.) 2. Build for PVP. 3. Build for raids. Then I'd keep a number of exotics levelled up that I could swap in when you'd get situations like Zero Hour, when you'd need a particular loadout for the "tactical" situation in front of you.