What it's your opinion on limited timers in challenges and events?
This seems to be a really controversial topic right now, so I want to see the numbers.
Timers are a basically a DPS-check. They narrow the range of options in terms of how to approach the content...and creat artificial difficulty by excessively punishing mistakes, and pressuring players to play recklessly. Wipe mechanics are disrespectful to players who don't have the time to play several hours a day. Since they basically can waste large chunks of player time by forcing them to keep having to start content over. So I'm more opposed to the wipe/kick to orbit mechanic than I am to the timer. The timer is simply annoying because its gotten to the point where Bungie is REALLY overusing them. The Whisper of the Worm was fine, because it was an isolated event in the game when it dropped last year. But now, we're looking at a game where almost everything we do is timed.