Look, I'm on board with a massive overhaul or getting rid of cores because i hate that i have great stuff that I'm struggling to get masterworked or leveled to 700, but Division 2 runs out of content in a week. You can expect the same 15 guns to drop with randomized stats and no piece of gear is even remotely interesting in the least. Hit 500 and min/max stuff, try different builds, find out they're all pretty boring, replay the same missions dozens of times hoping for a drop that gets you a meager 3% increase in a stat. I put 2 weeks with friends into division 2 and everyone got dead bored of it. Maybe if some other game modes returned like survival, but division is unbelievably boring after you've gotten to max world tier and grinded for a week or 2. That game has nothing i want to do in it anymore. I do however agree with your thoughts on destiny and endgame.
[i]Consumptive? Hell, I’m in my prime.....[/i]