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Edited by Reclaimer: 5/12/2019 4:21:55 AM
It’s always been weird to me how divided this IP’s player base is when it comes to the game modes. People can play whatever they want, however they want, but still. PvE content is nowhere near challenging enough to where someone who plays it and nothing else should care about balance. It has considerably less impact on PvE than people really think. You could argue that some strategies could become obsolete if a rebalance for PvP changed a weapon’s effective part in said strats, but that hardly seems to be the case as of recent. And that’s a [i]developer[/i] issue, not a player one. Change is often needed, and asked for, but it’s ultimately up to the Dev on exactly what happens. Being at odds with other players because you place the entirety of the blame on them is meaningless. I’m not strictly in either camp. I just play the game. If I like something enough, I’ll make it work in either game mode. Rebalances rarely effect me, since I use a pretty wide variety of things usually outside of the flavor of the week. But as far as PvP goes, Destiny has always been doomed, by nature, to have extreme problems balancing its sandbox for that. It’ll never see the balance people want it to have without a complete change to how PvP is played to begin with-even more drastic than the weapon slot change on release. But that’s extremely unlikely and probably unnecessary. I don’t view Destiny as a game meant to be one that encourages someone to get better at it, rather, it’s supposedly a sandbox to mix and match things with to tailor how you want to play out of an assortment of options.

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