Dedicated player. 700 warlock, grinding other two classes. Never done raids but want to learn. Actively play several times a week. Gambit, pve, strikes , etc. Tired of big clans with inactive people.
Update: I have found a fun clan, thanks everyone!
Sick of being told you have to be a certain skill level to join a clan? Sick of being told you have to have a trial run to join a clan? Sick of being told you have to put so many hours in or what times you have to be able to play? Its only a game, not only a clan name but also a mission statement . I love destiny, I'm sure we all do but sometimes life gets in the way. Maybe you have to leave in the middle of an iron banner match due to a crying child, maybe you need to step away from a strike for a moment or two because your wife/husband needs you for something. That's fine after all its just a game. Some may get salty and pissed off but not us, we understand sometimes real life comes first and plans can change at the drop of a hat. So if you want a relaxed friendly clan with little or no rules other than don't be a dick, then why not give us a try tell your friends and let's build this up into something special Please not we require all clan members to be 18+ and to join BAND app in order to communicate with fellow clan members