Even though you won't read this, here's a link:
Div2 developers actually listening to their community.
Here's even a quote from the text:
[quote] “We don’t want the focus to be on constantly chasing a higher Gear Score,” either, “when it should be about finding a play style and build that you enjoy.”[/quote]
Maybe you guys should take some notes, and do what [i]they[/i] do, and [i]actually [b]listen[/b] to [b]your[/b] [u]community.[/u][/i]
Massive did a nice turn around on the 515 gear. It doesn’t make me like the division 2 any more but I do respect massive as devs . They truly seem to want to deliver a game for their community.
Edited by Cinderchar: 5/12/2019 3:13:28 PMIt’s what worries me about Destiny 3 and Bungie most likely going the RPG route. I fear they won’t look at what works well in RPGs and what others have done very successfully, they will try to do their own thing and -blam!- it up. At least all the people leaving Bungie right now give me some hope they are hiring people who know how to do RPGs to replace those who left.
This. It’s their track record.
Edited by TheArtist: 5/12/2019 11:43:05 AMBoth dev came to their games not understanding how to make a good loot game. Massive swallowed their pride. Admitted that they didn’t know...and spent two years LEARNING from their customers and others how to do it. They are still holding themselves accountable to their customers. Despite Div 2 being one of the best games on the market right now. Bungie’s arrogance never allowed them to admit they didn’t know, and still don’t know. So the game has now clear vision and is constantly being changed in randomly aggravating ways. And now it’s clear that they don’t even respect us. Never mind want to bother to dialogue with us. [i]We’re Bungie and we know best...[/i] Pffffttt......
The good thing is I had been fooled once, but I can switch to/ buy another game tomorrow. Delete this app off my iPad and forget about Bungie. I want to see Bungie do that - telling people ‘we made a lot of money from D2, trust me, you will enjoy D3, now hand over that $120 for the game and upgraded annual pass.” That would be a big joke on them. If D3 ever comes out, unless disc/hard copy will be obsolete I would pick up that from used game shelf for less than $10 and I set aside that $10 now. If I can’t find a copy for $10 after 6 months, I will buy at full price....or not. I like to have the option/choice that Bungie don’t.
[quote]Even though you won't read this, here's a link: [url=http://www..google.com/amp/s/www.polygon.com/platform/amp/2019/5/8/18537496/the-division-2-515-gear-drops-dark-zone-pc-xbox-one-ps4-tu3-raid][/url] Div2 developers actually listening to their community. Here's even a quote from the text: [quote] “We don’t want the focus to be on constantly chasing a higher Gear Score,” either, “when it should be about finding a play style and build that you enjoy.”[/quote] Maybe you guys should take some notes, and do what [i]they[/i] do, and [i]actually [b]listen[/b] to [b]your[/b] [u]community.[/u][/i][/quote] Bungie is trash. These hacks never listen to their community. They just do the bare minimum while continuously trying to scam their own customers. Despicable.
What are you even supposed to be doing in that game if it's not chasing higher gear score? Getting snipers I'm never going to use? Playing PvP that is somehow worse than Destiny's? Logging on just to see if the Wire Scavengers mission is still bugged?
Creating and optimising builds, I thought that was obvious.
Optimizing builds. THAT IS THE END GAME. That’s the issue here. Many of you have never learned how to actually play games like this. Massive built The Division 2 to actually TEACH new players how this works. Bungie doesn’t know themselves, so they just try to leverage that ignorance and keep people on a hamster wheel of perpetual item level grind.
[quote]Logging on just to see if the Wire Scavengers mission is still bugged?[/quote] Worked fine for me yesterday. Now, that -blam!-inb Garage Stash mission..... Completed, but no credit. Side Mission achievment stuck @ 97%......
[quote]What are you even supposed to be doing in that game if it's not chasing higher gear score?[/quote] Their whole thing is rather than pull what bungie does, and raise the level cap with every content drop, they're actually [i]letting[/i] people enjoy being at cap. They're not [i]punishing[/i] you with their progression system. They're also [i]allowing[/i] players to take time and grind for really awesome builds. They're [i][b]listening[/b][/i] to the [u]feedback[/u] that their community gives. They're not ignorantly ignoring their player base like Bungie.
[quote]... actually [i]letting[/i] people enjoy being at cap. They're not [i]punishing[/i] you with their progression system. [/quote] Being punished is how it feels to me. They need to let us enjoy being maxed out; I only maxed out my 3 toons a week or so ago and the new cap is almost here. 🙁
[quote][quote]... actually [i]letting[/i] people enjoy being at cap. They're not [i]punishing[/i] you with their progression system. [/quote] Being punished is how it feels to me. They need to let us enjoy being maxed out; I only maxed out my 3 toons a week or so ago and the new cap is almost here. 🙁[/quote] I easily got all 3 of my characters to max light up until Forsaken. I was gonna make a 2nd hunter to [i]"increase"[/i] my chances of getting hunter gear. Of course that doesn't work, but it got to the point where I never even got close to Forsaken cap with 1 thanks to cores. Div2 is how D2's system [i][b]used[/b][/i] to be. It's so much more forgiving and Div2 actually [b][i]encourages[/i][/b] you to try different shit. D2 doesn't do that anymore. Maybe I want to infuse into this AR to see what it can really do. Why does it matter to some no life neckbeard what I do? I can answer that for you; it doesn't.
[quote]... Div2 is how D2's system [i][b]used[/b][/i] to be. It's so much more forgiving and Div2 actually [b][i]encourages[/i][/b] you to try different shit. [/quote] I have a lot of cool stuff essentially permanently placed in my vault and that is a shame/design-flaw.
[quote]they're actually letting people enjoy being at cap. They're not punishing you with their progression system.[/quote] Good point.