recoveries started to have a surge again in forsaken and are the reason luna got so popular and was nerfed about a third of the lunas were probably paid recoveries if this continues itll ruin pvp also they ask 100 for sturm thats the one good thing about them the comedic value of their prices
Edited by PinnacleWeapon: 5/9/2019 4:36:39 PMI do free low comp help, by playing on throwaway accounts I create because I don’t like how the pinnacle weapon system is structured. But there is literally nothing Bungie can do to stop the recov situation.. 99% of people doing recovs are on twitch or third party LFG, sure a few post on this app, but most are smart enough to not discuss payment on the app because that gets them banned almost instantly. If we want to stop recoveries we have to start making changes to the pinnacle weapon system, so that less skilled players will have an easier time getting them as time goes on and seasons pass
It breaks the rules, so yeah it should be dealt with. Although I doubt anyone could stop every instance of it. It is their money they are wasting on a weapon that is basically 1's and 0's, and I hope a few of them get taken for a ride by a scammer or two. The sad fact is you can generally tell who has paid for their LH and who got it legit. I am not good in pvp - you can say I am below average - but when I can consistently outplay someone with an LH with a crappy rolled Kindled Orchid trying to get my Thorn quest completely, it is safe to say that guy has no clue how to use the weapon, and most likely paid someone a hefty sum for it. And when they end the match with an efficiency of 0.6, I bet they are feeling like it was money well spent LOL
It won't change anything and Luna/NF are getting nerfed so people are wasting their money on it. If it was against the user agreement then yea punish the hell out of it otherwise their is nothing that can be done.