Enhancement Cores should be used to enhance a weapon / or perk. - not INFUSE.
if you have Handcannon targeting on your helmet? and you want ENHANCED handcannon targeting? guess what...
use a Core.
infuse with Materials, and Masterwork with usage!- Get X amount of Kills with this Weapon to Masterwork it.
you want a re roll on your stat / perk - you can do that as well! with an enhancement core! enhancing the weapon that you love!
OK so this has me thinking, the average cost of infusion + Masterworking is what = Round about 13 - 15 Cores? Hear me out.
on average; You have 4 Perk Trees and 1 Stat.
Sights + Mag + Perk 1 + Perk 2 and the Stat.
Activate a Re Roll on a Tree / Stat (Randomized) = 1 Core.
Activate a Re Roll on a Tree / Stat (Elimination) = 2 Cores.
Activate a Re Roll on a Tree / Stat (Specific) = 3 Cores.
so Inevitably, you can have the Roll you want 3 Cores x 5 Rolls = 15 Cores
I would invest in this.
You ideas aren't bad, but cores still aren't a part of the economy. They are the worst reward in the game, specifically because they were intended for masterworking. You are essentially saying perk enhancement and re-rolls are masterwork items. Not unreasonable. However, I don't think the current or planned "reward" system can support the additional items. People don't masterwork weapons so they can infuse. Take away infusion and under the current system, people realize how expensive masterworking weapons really is, i.e. having 3-4 masterworked weapons is reasonable, while playing the modes you want to play. Try to make more, and it's back to the grind. This is what we found acceptable. However, if you remove cores from infusion and add more masterwork choices without more core options, it will be back to famine in less than a month. That's all I'm saying. Otherwise, cool.
my friend, you saying cores aren't part of the economy is kinda saying that glimmer isn't part of the economy. Functionally, at this moment- they are, i don't have an issue i have enough, i would just like to see them re-purposed so they can actually be used for what they are intended.
We disagree on the economy issue. Likening cores to glimmer is a false equivalency. You don’t earn glimmer via RNG.
I hear what you are saying, but - just because cores aren't as abundant as glimmer doesn't meat they are omitted from being in the economy. - although there is an either or scenario (infuse with glimmer or infuse with cores) 90 % of the time they are required to progress, and is a resource that should be carefully managed. none the less its semantics, and its not worth having an argument over. to me? its like buying a donkey with diamonds really. - the purpose is completely missed and requires a re work. i would grind for additional ways to earn cores none the less, if it's implemented properly and executed where the purpose of the cores can benefit the player and not used as a tool or a means to chase the illusion of light.
Nice analogy with the diamonds, considering how they’re value is derived from scarcity. But to me, cores are more akin to De Beers suddenly declaring rocks have value. It’s arbitrary. I get the duality, however. Making cores a cost of infusion is like paying for a donkey with diamonds. It devalues masterworking, aka the bling. And, while I won’t see them as a real resource, I can see them as a commodity, but a derivative one. Infusion makes them subprime. You’re ideas would make them grade A.
My Issue with this is, we have people getting paid lots of money to develop these games, that are captains of industry, - yet you would have thought that a silly idea such as mine would have come up a long time ago. Maybe it did, and maybe it was frowned upon, who knows. the Initial changes i Would have made to further the usage of said Enhancement Cores would be to basically build your own Exotic - Similar to what you have with armor / Weapons. You get an Exotic - Intrinsic Perk (X Y Z - Unique Valuable Trait Etc - with Curated perks (NOT RANDOM ROLLS) You can then decide - Do I want MOB / RES / REC Rolled on it (Using said Enhancement Core) (exotics can get an extra +1 per Stat Max) so lets say you have Peacekeepers with Perk Tree 1 (Traction + Submachine Gun Dexterity) & Perk Tree 2 (Submachine Gun Scavenger + Special Ammo Finder/Primary Ammo Finder) Mob +2 Res +1 Rec +0 You can use E.C to Essentially add 2 extra Stat Boosts to your Exotic = Mob +3 Res +2 Rec +0, doing this will unlock the ability to masterwork your Exotic Armor. Masterworking Exotic Armor will work different to masterworking normal armor. you choose a path to masterwork (Mob / Res / Rec). Once you have chosen said stat to masterwork, you then have to get X amount of Kills with the weapon Perks Pertaining to that Tree (1 Tree SMG Kills, 2nd tree Primary Ammo kills / SMG Kills or Special ammo Kills, or something of that sort. Once you have completed said Kills with Whichever weapon is featured in your exotic armors tree - you can now Masterwork your exotic Armor. Once an Armor piece is Masterworked - you can opt to have all perks in a tree be Enhanced using Enhancement cores.
A suspiciously good idea.... hmmmmm🧐
[quote]A suspiciously good idea.... hmmmmm🧐[/quote]
I really like this idea
Yes although I think re-rolling perks and enhancing the perks on armor should definitely cost more than one core though
True but it would then truly make your choice more impactful not this rinse repeat bullshit that is going on now. I have an abundance of cores, tbh they are easy to get and i play casually at my own pace. I would just like the cores to be used in a way that actually can benefit a player.
What if my helmet has both heavy lifting and enhanced heavy lifting?
You can either pick another perk to sub for a core or you can enhance a perk you already have. Build a tree!
Wouldn’t mind a re roll system I guess but knowing bungie it’ll make me re roll all of them whenever I just wanna change one
That roll you got cant beat my hipfire grip outlaw or hipfire grip rangefinder combo
[quote]That roll you got cant beat my hipfire grip outlaw or hipfire grip rangefinder combo[/quote] Oh and drop mag on a sniper. Lol
Then you’ve got yourself a stacking perk right there. Or not, because you can’t, because bungie hates you.
Did you call me a liar?
Oh this isn’t a fight you want to pick partner, pulls Strykers sure hand off back. 😏