No. As a solo Luna owner with nearly 9k kills with it, no. It needs to be brought in line. And shame on you for shaming others who think so. Did you even read OPs post? He has it too.
You're giving us PvP players a bad name and a had rep. Most of us don't want to stomp. We want to have fun, not be pigeon holed into using one weapon.
Get your head together dude. You look like a jackass.
OP's post has nothing to do with my statement. So Fuk yourself. You're the asshat promoting people literally complaining so much that they get shit nerfed because they're not good enough to get it. I'm not talking about the people that have it and wanna complain, those people ACTUALLY HAVE IT. The people that DONT HAVE IT have no reason to complain. Period. Get your head out of your ass -blam!-.
Great language there. Really sells your intelligence. They do. They are strong, stupidly strong guns that, when doing things like iron banner or qp where you don't have them, they tend to get steamrolled. Don't get me wrong, I picked mine up today and didn't do as hot as normal with my Ace, but I still managed to get an easy lights out with it. So no, they do. And you have no place to tell them they can't. Sorry sunshine, ya hate to see it.