So... when are we getting them back? Especially since they had exotic catalysts in them depending on who you pledge your allegiance. I found them fun. I liked the loot, the armor sets, the ornaments and the competition to win at the end of the rally the "pinnacle" weapon the winning faction had to offer.
Please Bungie, give us updates on the future of Faction Rallies A.S.A.P.
I've read most of the comments and yes, I agree that D1 system was way better. I would like a similar idea in D2, but not the same. It's a new game after all, they need to spice things up a bit.
its either A: bungie is afraid of what randomized versions of weapons such as distant star, eternal slumber, the loquitor the number or other great faction weapons, would do to their precious meta/overrated pinnacle weaons. or B: they plan on re-selling us the faction stuff as the main feature of another DLC i cant see any other reason to leave them out for so long. why would it hurt a loot based shooter that is starving for more loot to have the faction weapons available with randomized perks?