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Destiny 2

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4/17/2019 7:54:40 AM

Please remove the tonics from Competitive PVP

So yesterday I saw first handed what is happening in QP/Competitive right now as of the launch of the event. I will say it is pretty fun to spam grenades everywhere in Quickplay BUT not in the competitive playlist! Can someone please explain to me what the competitive aspect is about throwing 8 skip grenades (shinobu's vow) into a mid lane and forcing an entire other team off the engagement (what we ended up doing). in Countdown you wont be able to defuse the bomb because of this ability to spam that shit. As someone who is trying to get the 'Unbroken' title (I'm at 4000 glory atm, second legend run) it is incredibly frustrating to see that the next !3 WEEKS! are going to be like this. I'm forced onto a decision of either; Play comp and pray to the gods I win one out of the three matches to prevent significant decay, or not play and decay because of inactivity in the playlist over the course of these three weeks. PLEASE bungie take out the tonic buffs for Competitive, there is nothing competitive about the mode right now. - A desperate PVP Nerd

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