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Edited by CaptainW1nky: 4/15/2019 4:46:18 PM
Ignorance would be you.... trying to talk about a subject that you have no knowledge of. I.E. Thinking solo players can't finish clan XP to get 21 cores since they aren't playing with people. 🤷‍♂️ That's definitely not how clan XP works. Who is telling you specifically how to play? You still haven't given me an example. All you gave me is a blanket statement. No you referenced me numerous times that I won't be able to sell copies of the game.. didn't know I was PSN, xbox, pc, gamestop and worked for bungie. I mean... clearly the one bent out of shape here is the one freaking out over a game they don't play.... and that's certainly not me soooooo 🤔. Again... that was one example of an easy route to get cores... I gave numerous others... I could give you more if you'd like 😊 You went on a short tyrant about solo players in clans being screwed over.... so ummmmm good try. I never said matter weaves were guranteed. But you do get them from dismantling gear and they result in a core... that is what I said. I don't see guranteed anywhere in there. I never said you got guranteed cores when you dismantled gear. I said the game throws trash gear at you and you can get a core when you dismantle them.. no where in there is the word guranteed. I never said you got a guranteed scrapper bounty when you dismantle gear. I said you get scrapper bounties from dismantling gear. No where in there is the word guranteed. Can you read? Apparently not. But good try 😁 👀👀 where were these 15 million players? There was never 15 million players logged into destiny at once. D1 had what 25 million regestered accounts? There was never 25 million active players. 🤔 Yeah we have had end game updates but we are still in forsaken... the same DLC we've been in for ages. People get bored and move on. It happens. I mean....for example by your logic a weapon skin is a content drop. We are still in forsaken. The annual pass is just tac ons to the end game of forsaken. The majority of the destiny player base doesn't participate in the end game.. a simple glance at the % of accounts that have completed raids would tell you that. It's no surprise casuals didn't flock back for end game tac ons. I mean casuals don't play the game for end game so cores don't really bother them. They've already moved on to other games. If bungie were to say a new DLC is coming yes they would blindly throw money at the screen to seek a few hours of enjoyment out of it before moving onto something else after a week or two. What i'm seeing is people complaining to complain. Saw the same crap in D1. You can't please everyone nor should you try to. 🤷‍♂️ I enjoy your name calling. It shows how weak minded you are. 😊

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  • Edited by joey big guns: 4/15/2019 5:36:39 PM
    Lol. Smh. Don’t be obtuse. It’s making me think you’re unintelligent. I never said solos can’t do the clan stuff. I said does this mean they have to join a clan. Reading....good try but a poor effort. You said you get matterweaves when you dismantle things. By your lack of further explanation a person who hasn’t played since Feb would assume that they now drop with dismantle unlike before as they were RNG. Which, when you need an item to infuse, having it tied to the lottery system isn’t the best idea You do realize that RNG is random and doesn’t hit everyone equally and it has been a pain in the ass for people since 2014 but adding your infusion material in RNG is the best place to put them🤦‍♂️. And once again. I know you probably think you’re the center of the Destiny universe but please, do try and understand, I even went to explain that “you” in my statement meant “the collective you who enjoy cores”, I’m sorry I didn’t explain it all the way down to your level of reading comprehension but your hang up on the clan thing should’ve told me that you needed extra guidance and aid to interpret that much like my need for further explanation regarding the matterweaves and scrappers. The fact, devout fan of Destiny 2 and all the poor decisions made by management, is that there are currently more people dissatisfied with the game than there are satisfied. This was shown when Bungie was 60% down in sales in 2018. And this will show again when no one but their devout fans buy the content that drops after the AP. You know what would make people “throw their money at a the screen” capitulation from the developers to the larger wallet base. Which will need to occur is Bungie is to earn any faith for their next title. You are only concerned with the short game, many of the fans of this universe are concerned with the longevity and that is in jeopardy due to a poorly managed game design and the constant crapping on the consumer base that has occurred for 2 years.

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  • I'm unintelligent because i'm going off what you are saying? 🤔 interesting. You definitely went on a mini tyrant about solo's being in clans 🤷‍♂️. Maybe think about what you are typing next time? I fail to see how what you say is my fault. But no they don't have to join a clan. That was one avenue for cores of the many i've given you. You do get matter weaves when you dismantle things.... that's kind of how those work. No where in there is the word guranteed that's something you added on your own. So yes... learn to read. No they really wouldn't look at it like it's a guranteed way to get cores/scrapper bounties/matter weaves. Anyone that's played the game for 5 minutes knows that's not true... but if they were wondering where scrapper bounties/matter weaves came from now they'd know. It's not tied to the lottery system. I've already given you 2 guranteed ways to get cores. There are more actual guranteed ways in the game. 🤷‍♂️ but again... you can't read. I'm the center of the destiny universe? So i'm the light? Didn't know I was in a video game. Ohhhh so the you meant all the people that play the game and have 0 problem getting cores because we play and the game throws them at you work for PSN, xbox, pc, gamestop, and bungie? Got it. 🤔 There is? Please link me your source of the satisfied vs unsatisfied players. In 2018 [b] when you came to destiny 2[/b] bungie had already been out since september of 2017. People were dissatisfied with dual primaries/ slow ttk/slow movement/ weak abilities/slow ability cool downs, fixed rolls etc etc. Forsaken dropped.. they fixed all that... everyone was happy. Numbers went way up.... they decided to not release a new DLC... people got tired of playing forsaken they left.... the people that are still playing are bored picking at the little things they hate and would throw money at the screen if destiny announced a full fledged DLC... so would the casuals that left. The annual pass was aimed at the hardcore players... they already stated that... they know the hardcore player base isn't massive. I'm concerned with the short game? Oh please do tell me what aspects of the game I enjoy. Because you have no idea. 🤔 weren't you just complaining about people telling "you how to play" 🤣😂 kind of an oxymoronic eh? I get you aren't the brightest but imma spell it out for ya. They are a small studio working on another game. They have the majority of their resources working on that other game. They are done with D2.. you should've realized that when they said we are done with expansion style DLC. It would be a waste of resources to throw a massive amount of money into a product they are done with. But I guess you can't seem to grasp how business works.

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  • [quote]You can get stuff from hawthorn, cool. So what about the solos that aren’t members of a clan? Does hawthorn give out cores to people who aren’t in clans? I haven’t played since Feb, does she now do more than just provide clan bounties and clan rewards?? If not, are you saying that in order to get those 21 cores a week in 3 hrs you must first join a clan??? .[/quote] That’s all I wrote about clans originally so I’m not sure where you pulled your crap about my “tyrant” about clans. Apparently you couldn’t read the first time I wrote it or when I re-wrote it two more times after that. Now that I’ve corrected you, again. I’m done with ya. Can’t be wasting my time on someone who thinks they’re la smartass but apparently isn’t coloring with a full box of crayons. Toodles. Enjoy defending Bungie. We all know they need all of you they can get. [spoiler]thats you as “people who defend Bungie”. I’d hate for you to be confused how I used you again. [/spoiler]

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  • You answered your own question in your short solo player tyrant. 🤣😂 that's kind of how a clan vendor works. Anyway don't see what the big deal is about clicking join clan.. you can still be anti social not playing with anyone while reaping free rewards. Because you know you've been burned and pwned 😁 I'd run with my tail between my legs to.

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