Are you active and looking for a structured hardcore endgame PvE clan that has been going strong since Year 1 of D1, made up of extremely active players, and not one of these made yesterday clans who take anyone, no matter how inactive they are, just to get their numbers up, so they look cool on here?
Are you looking for a clan that raids every day, multiple times a day?
A clan where everyone plays with everyone and that doesn't tolerate the lame ass cliques that most clans have?
If you answered yes to any of those, Revenge Is Ours might just be the clan for you.
Revenge Is Ours (RIO) has been going strong for over five years now and believe it or not, we are not some mega clan with 2,000 members and fifteen different clan tags.
We are an average sized clan with above average activity.
We are limited to 99 members by design, because we don't want to be a giant LFG, but trust me, that doesn't mean we are slackers.
Revenge Is Ours has a long proud history of melting any clan that went against us, both in OG Destiny Clan Wars and Destiny Clan Warfare, we currently hold a couple records for console Nightfall scores and times, and we have over 3,000 D2 raid clears.
Before you get turned away thinking that we must be a bunch of sweaty elites, let me assure you, that's not the case. We are just an extremely active clan made up of extremely active players, who all operate under the same philosophy:
Our clan comes first.
That means, win or lose, we fight and die together, because unlike most other clans out there, we are actually a clan that hangs out, talks, builds friendships and bonds, and plays together, because we would rather our clan get better and stronger rather than help some random blueberry, who isn't going to be there to help us, when we need it.
Either way, I've babbled long enough, so if this sounds like something you could get behind and you are interested in joining an actual clan rather than a giant LFG, check us out.
Hi I'm currently part of an inactive clan for over a year we've had people coming and going. We never get raids done, I'm always online. I've 4 seals and over 60k triumphs I'm looking for a active dedicated clan who are able to do comp or raids with me, what time zone is the clan as I'm GMT
Hey Im a hardcore destiny 2 player with 100+ raid clear who plays a ton I’m down to join if you guys have a spot.
Edited by Methhed: 4/16/2019 12:08:47 AMActive returning D1 player. Hardcore raiding and pvp. Looking for a chill group to roll D2 with! Would love an invite!
Heyo, im a really active player on the weekends. I play from dawn too dusk and would love to join!
Very active guardian with almost 100 total raid clears looking for a close knit clan who likes to run activities TOGETHER. I play 7 days a week and have over 3000 hours in d2 and still can't find a clan who knows what teamwork is. I would love the chance to join your clan if you will have me
Pretty active player, would love to join and raid again!
Hardcore Destiny Player here, could I ask an admin some questions?
Hi! I'm a pretty active player who has been trying to get into doing more raids and endgame activities, but I'm finding it difficult to find an active clan that responds, I'd love to join!
Active player looking for an active clan
Hi I'm really interested in joining, my current clan has died a bit and turned into an lfg. I'm an experienced raider and play often, yet I'm still grinding for rivensbane. Shoot me a pm or an invite, or I can try out if you care about my skill 😁
I need help with my thorn quest, so this would be great to be in.
If you guys are gonna level hard when penumbra comes out and try to do raid day one, count me in! I’ve always wanted to do a day 1 raid but didn’t have the time for it. So if you have any plans for doing that, send an invite my way!
Oh wow sounds awesome invite please
Edited by Wheeze: 4/13/2019 10:54:02 PMI'm a decent raid sherpa, looking for a clan to join. Sounds like you guys have a great community and I would definitely like to be apart of it.
Come join the best clan family we have some good times. All we ask is that you be active and stay active with your clan mates we will have some great times
Can I get an invite to the clan? It says they aren't available to new members even though I've been playing since D1, and have been on this site for about 3 years...
I’d love to join but it says it’s closed to new players even though I’ve been playing since vanilla d1
Bump for the best clan in Destiny.
Come be apart of the best clan in D2, we never leave a man/woman behind. This is one of the most respectable and professionally run clans that I've had the pleasure of being a part of!!!
Looking for a fun, active D2 clan to play with day in and day out, then look no further,you just found the best one in all of Destiny!!!
In need of a clan? Look no further! We’re super active, we love Destiny, and we h a t e bread. RIO is second to none :)
Joined about two weeks ago and everyone is very active! Lots of players and lots of different skill levels and everyone is very accommodating. Went from one raid clear to 5 in one week, with two different teachers. Really a great clan! Just be active and you'll be fine! :D
Great clan that enjoys anything Destiny. Love playing tons of Destiny, but want folks to play with? then look no further
Are tired of playing with blueberries? Do you what to make new friends? Do you want to become part of a clan family? Come join Revenge is Ours and be part of something great. We are a very active clan. All we ask is that you be active and play with the clan.
Come join the best and most active clan in D2!