Luna’s Howl TTK, all headshots: .67
Rat King’s TTK, all headshots: .60
Can Luna’s Howl turn you invisible? No.
Can it fire full auto? No.
Do you have to land all headshots for it to beat a Rat King? Yes.
Does it have an incredibly strong catalyst? No.
Do you have to reach Fabled and go through a list of monotonous chores? Yes.
Does it have 15 rounds? No.
Do you get buffed by standing around other people also holding Luna’s Howl? No.
Prove me wrong.
The only thing I would point out is rat king is an exotic while you can choose another exotic to pair with luna. With that said, I have luna, but I don't use it at all because I have several better my rangefinder service revolver innagural address (which I used to CONSISTENTLY outplay luna users)...there are absolutely guns that can compete but people get frustrated by one quick death to a Luna. Tons of people are using it so it seems like they are constantly dying to it. It's definitely not overpowered and I would say it's not even the best crucible pinnacle weapon, neither is NF. Recluse is such a better option and it covers close range too so you can pair it with a pulse or long range hand cannon like Ace. People blow the strength of Luna WAY out of proportion imo