Recently (last 2 weeks) Crucible had become unplayable again. 90% of the times I'm on the hard losing team where the sum of all our efficiency is < 3.0 whereas 2 guardians in the other team are > 10.00.
So after getting mercy we see "We're breaking the team to find a better match" and we end up with the very same opposing team, so I interrupt the matchmaking and wait a few seconds before doing it again.
I wasn't checking when...guess what...we are matched in a game already started and for the 3rd time in a row with the same sweaty try-hards.
What's wrong with the matchmaking?!? How can people with 5000 glory points be matched against ordinary players like us? What's the point?
Because their system doesn't use the right criteria. It should pair off lifetime k/d then the balance would be better. Maybe then they would have more than a 200K player base.