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Edited by a_dmg04: 4/10/2019 8:28:14 PM

Continued Enhancement Core and Mod Component Discussion

Hey all, A few weeks back, we talked about Enhancement Cores coming from Gunsmith bounties in the [url=]TWAB[/url]. I wanted to give a quick update on this, as it also involves Mod Components, which have been a topic of discussion as well. Please note- this is all still in development for Season of Opulence, and could change. [quote]• Originally announced in the TWAB, these bounties would cost Gunsmith materials. This has been changed to Glimmer. • There will be multiple daily bounties to complete, each rewarding one enhancement core and two mod components • There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty. • Note: When I say rank points, think Valor or Infamy, **not** Glory.[/quote] The team is continuing to evaluate feedback over mod components, enhancement cores, and rewards all up. Thank you for the continued feedback. We'll give you updates as we have them.

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  • Edited by CookieNiki: 4/10/2019 10:41:55 PM
    [quote]There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty.[/quote] [b]One core[/b] for a weekly bounty? [b]ONE FULL CORE[/b]? Don't be so generous guys, c'mon, that's insane! Also you're still not listening. Nobody asked for MORE bounties. Nobody wants to WASTE time doing them because of cores. Just remove cores from infusion and keep them in masterworking and we'll do those -blam!-ing bounties when we make the meaningful decision of masterworking a piece of our gear. Geez, how difficult can it be to grasp this concept? :sighs:

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  • Somewhere at bungie there is a few future lifetime politicians. So much fluff and stalling. More talking? More research? Just more BULLSHIT

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  • Edited by proxima77: 4/10/2019 10:58:24 PM
    Dear Bungie Team, I fail to see how this is really a positive step. The access to Enhancement Cores is not the crux of the issue here, how painful they make infusion for most players is the crux of the issue. I appreciate that you are relaying what the community is saying to the teams and relaying their responses back to us, but their responses show a significant amount of desire not to truly hear what is being said. Please let me explain my point of view on this subject. Enhancement cores should have remained known as Masterwork Cores and used solely for Masterworking an item. Yes, infusion should have a cost associated and rooting that cost in Glimmer, Gunsmith Materials, and World Materials is costly enough. Glimmer is super easy to gain; Gunsmith Materials are easy to get, but require a bit of care to keep from running dry; and World Materials are easy to get, but require a bit of farming to maintain your stocks. If you would infuse every time you get an item with a one or two point Light increase, you would still find yourself burning through the materials you have. Thus, forcing you to go farm for more. By removing Enhancement Cores from infusion, it will open up the ability to invest in different sets of armor or weapon loadouts to suit different activities. This would allow the investment in a set for taking part in the Raid, a set to handle Arc Burn/Singe, a set for the Crucible, etc. versus making the grind longer by making it more difficult to invest in your primary set of armor, allows the players to go after and invest in the different sets of armor. For example, the Eververse sets are pretty unique and well-looking sets (in my opinion). However, the current system does not allow me to invest in these sets as the vast majority of my Enhancement Cores go into infusing one set of armor and my primary set of weapons for my primary character. This, also, leaves my other two characters with a hodge-podge of armor with whatever perks that happens to be rolled on them as long allows them to reach max Light and a single weapon in each slot at max. There is very few resources, the form of Enhancement Cores, left to invest more into my other two characters. With armor, now that the stat package is randomly rolled, the grind for the "right" set of armor that gives you the stats and perks you are looking for is considerably lengthened. Thus, in my estimation, the need for Enhancement Cores in infusion is not required. If you are looking for an idea at a role they could play in the infusion process, have them as an optional part of infusing if you wish for a new piece of gear to inherit the Masterwork Level of the item being infused into it. With this idea, the player would be allowed to decide if they wish a portion or all of the Masterwork Level of the item being used a infusion fuel to be inherited by the receiving item. Due to the way Exotics are Masterworked, they would not be allowed to infuse their Masterwork Level. Only like Legendary Masterworked Item would be eligible for this. By like I am referring to taking a Masterworked Tigerspite with what you consider a workable roll into another Tigerspite that you consider to by a god roll. However, fully Masterworking a new item by doing this would cost a slight be more than Masterworking it normally by costing. However, the cost would not be outrageously high when compared to the normal Masterworking process; but just enough to warrant a bit of consideration before you do it, say an additional two or three cores for the convenience of Masterworking as part of infusion. But, again, this additional cost would be completely optional. I do hope this helps the teams see the error of keeping Enhancement Cores in the infusion process as they currently exist in the game. Sincerely, Proxima77

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    • Edited by TotalDramaGamer: 4/10/2019 10:51:20 PM
      People will do menial tasks to get weapons they do not own and or want to acquire. People will not do menial tasks to use weapons they already have and or feel as if they should just be allowed to enjoy and or just to look nice. This is your crippling misunderstanding, Bungie. In grindy games, people will do not fun things so they can get new fun things. In grindy games, people will not do not fun things for something they already have (without a very specific purpose for doing so, typically new builds or new powers or new setups). Hence, I can see this being useful for mod components, but utterly useless for enhancement cores. With more modes you can do more new builds. With more enhancement cores you can... what? Masterwork useless armor? Make yourself not look like garbage? Continue to use the same weapons you're always going to favor anyway? And people would masterwork weapons... but again, they only need 1-5 weapons like that and the rest they're gonna save. Nothing new.

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      • If you’re evaluating feedback then you know the only answer that people want to hear is the removal of enhancement cores from infusion. Cores are a barrier between the player and their chosen gear sets, activities they want to play, etc. These gunsmith bounties are a barrier between the player and the barrier between the player and their chosen gear sets, activities they want to play, etc. The system you want to use is not fun. That is the issue. Since there’s no way to change how un-fun the enchantment core system is, you’re jumping through hoops to develop some kind of work around. But compounding on something that isn’t fun, does not make it fun. You can solve the issue by removing enchantment cores from infusion today, but instead you’re gonna dig your heels in and waste time and resources programming bounties and new systems so you can pretend that you addressed the community’s #1 gripe since forsaken dropped. Stop telling us you’re listening and show us, by REMOVING ENHANCEMENT CORES FROM INFUSION.

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      • How about this bungie. If you want everyones opinion, put up a poll in the game when you log in that simply says: Do you think enhancement cores belong in infusion? Yes. No. Yes, but need to be more readily available.

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      • The reason Enhancement cores are super stingy is because they also tap into the Weapon Masterwork and Armor Masterwork system. This is primarily the reason why I believe we don’t get various ways of earning Cores since if we were to be “showered” in them, ALL of our weapons and Armor would be Masterworked. Bungie you must come to the realization that the Enhancement Core economy must belong to ONE system. Either the Weapon and Armor Masterwork system OR the infusion system. These two systems are in constant conflict with each other. If we don’t get enough in order to create the “impactful feeling of infusion” then we can’t Masterwork our gear, but if we get a lot of them so that we can infuse gear at a proper pace then the whole Masterwork system can be abused and exploited.

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      • Whilst this doesn't sound too bad and I appreciate the update 1) I would still rather see cores gone from infusion; I hate to think what they must make the experience like for a new D2 player. There can't be many of those right now anyway and this economy would surely drive them away 2) one mod and one core for a weekly bounty? That just feels wrong, especially considering how much time some of the Weekly Bounties for Ada and Drifter take as it is for a piece of Powerful Gear. The weekly bounty should probably be more like 3 cores or more 3) what mods are we talking about? Because I'm already sitting on a worthless stack of a bunch of them and the ones I consider most valuable are ultra rare and locked behind LW and Scourge. How about bringing some of those Taken and Fallen mods into the mix?

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      • The nature of the discussion going on so long would lend you to think the right course of action would just be taken instead of these half steps & side steps from the powers that be.

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      • This is a good start to developing a better system but I think that a weekly bounty should reward 2 cores and a mod. I really don’t think that many players care about mats and rep (I could be wrong). The basic complaint still remains that cores should not be part of the infusion process. Wouldn’t it work perfectly fine to require, say 10 shards to infuse a weapon or gear? Keep the cores as part of the masterwork process.

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      • I have an important question, do you smell what the rock is cooking ?

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      • In other words, "We're digging in our heels, even though the community has overwhelmingly told you that it hates the "infusion core" economy. You're sticking to a design philosophy which is both ineffectual and misguided, and adding even more useless grind so that we can make use of the rewards which we've already earned through gameplay. Please pay attention to that last sentence. We've already earned these rewards. We cannot make use of them because of the economy. I personally have 3 characters at 700, and a vault full of 700 level items. Normally this is when I start infusing up my exotics and alternate armor sets so I can vary my playstyle. I'm not doing that. I'm simply not playing. Bungie, you're wrong. The longer it takes you to admit you're wrong and revert this change the more people will realize you're not doing what's good for the players but what's good for yourselves.

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        3 Replies
        • Why did you lost the exact same thing? Tell us you are telling the devs this is not ok.

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        • [quote] • There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty. [/quote] I think the weekly bounties should grant 7 enhancement cores, similar to how the Festival of the Lost weekly bounties awarded them.

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          • A discussion is a civil discourse between two parties on a matter of interest. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's not really a "Tête-à-tête" on this matter at all. And to call it a "continued discussion" is at best, disingenuous, at worst outright lies. I've been on the fence for a while, weighing up both sides of the argument. But after this latest debacle and knowing people have taken complete advantage before you (Bungie) put a stop to it, well, I can't see why I wouldn't see this whole thing as a PR disaster that could have been avoided by reaching a common ground with your players. It's time to find a solution that fits.

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          • Wow. Hated that it took my precious gunsmith materials before, honestly that was my biggest gripe! But now that it costs glimmer im super excited and totally on board 100 percent no sarcasm and no jokes 👍

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          • [quote]Hey all, A few weeks back, we talked about Enhancement Cores coming from Gunsmith bounties in the [url=]TWAB[/url]. I wanted to give a quick update on this, as it also involves Mod Components, which have been a topic of discussion as well. Please note- this is all still in development for Season of Opulence, and could change. [quote]• Originally announced in the TWAB, these bounties would cost Gunsmith materials. This has been changed to Glimmer. • There will be multiple daily bounties to complete, each rewarding one enhancement core and two mod components • There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty. • Note: When I say rank points, think Valor or Infamy, **not** Glory.[/quote] The team is continuing to evaluate feedback over mod components, enhancement cores, and rewards all up. Thank you for the continued feedback. We'll give you updates as we have them.[/quote] LMAO 😂 ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️

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          • If you're not keen or willing to remove the cores, they have to be more abundant. A WEEKLY bounty only giving one core and one mod seems pretty cheap. Increase the number of cores and mods for weeklies and it might be worth it. You even say, the dailies award one core and TWO mods. A weekly bounty should be more rewarding than a daily. Award cores from more sources too. Patrol activities, strikes, NF, Raids, and crucible. Or like how we get 7 cores from Hawthorne's weekly, award cores from flashpoint, weekly gambit, weekly crucible, weekly Petra, weekly ADA-1. There so many sources you guys can utilize to award cores. I honestly think if players had more cores to play with, they wouldn't be complaining. They're going to need more for next season and whatever you guys have planned for after that, so give us a reason to want to get cores and give us more opportunities to get them.

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          • I like this!

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          • Well, we got an update....not what we wanted but it's something.... [spoiler]dmg, just put the devs on the mic[/spoiler]

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          • This recent Pinnacle Weapon debacle revealed two key things. The first being the ridiculousness of the controversy around cores. Now there are players running around with literally thousands of cores and no longer subject to the idiocy that is grinding cores to be able to infuse what you want when you want. But the big thing this issue showcases is the hypocrisy of Bungie. THIS WAS STOPPED IN A MATTER OF HOURS. Bungie’s response was so fast that it was obliterated before most players had even heard of it, much less utilized it. And now to fix the problem and make Pinnacles claimable again? It’ll likely be days if not weeks. All I need is 400 precision kills to get my Oxygen, I’ve done the strikes and the orbs. So much for that huh. Glad I already got my Recluse, but I’m not even close to Delirium. But now there’s no reason to make any kind of push for Delirium because who knows when I’ll be able to claim it. Bungie is SO QUICK to stop players from using exploits to circumvent their terrible economy. And yet when it comes to big things like OG Laser Tag when Prometheus was “bugged,” Slowva Bomb dodgeball in Mayhem when you could spam infinite Novas, guitar error coding in Last Wish, Like a Diamond not being awarded properly, and other major game breaking issues that completely ruin things, Bungie takes weeks if not MONTHS to fix these issues. Bungie’s attention to cores is utterly ridiculous. All the “data” they’re gathering and monitoring constantly is now flawed because there’s players who managed to get 3,000 cores in a couple hours. A player gets their hands on a few too many cores and the worst that happens is they can actually afford to infuse whenever they want and they have a lot of Masterwork guns. Big deal. And yet Bungie is so fast that it was done away with before people even realized. Not PATCHED. Stopped. And yet the things I’ve mentioned damage GAMEPLAY. Prometheus and Nova spam murdered crucible for a week or so. Nova spam made Mayhem unplayable, and while Laser Tag was fun once everyone had Prometheus from Xur, the first few days before that anyone who had a Prometheus was unkillable. And just recently. Guitar error codes have occurred since September of 2018 and have now been “patched” (they STILL HAPPEN) in March 2019. That’s ALMOST SEVEN. MONTHS. This prevented people from getting a TITLE for crying out loud. Some people managed but it was infuriating beyond belief. Same thing with Like a Diamond, this was a quicker fix than Last Wish but still took 3 months, regardless. Bungie responds in hours to a core abuse exploit. Patch is going to be days if not weeks. I bet next reset is going to be the patch date. Hours to stop core abuse, seven months to fix a broken freaking Raid. Ridiculous. I don’t think Bungie’s reaction would be so quick in coming if not for a hidden agenda. The idea of having thousands of cores means that they can infuse whatever, whenever, and they’ll have a larger arsenal of Masterwork Weapons. This is not a game threatening issue, most people at max light and already use Masterwork weapons. There’s no danger to the game with people abusing this. However there’s plenty of danger to Bungie’s agenda. Particularly their false grind they’re using to artificially extend play time, and the data that they’ve “been collecting and monitoring closely on how many cores players have, how many they earn playing, and how many they spend.” That “data” is now worthless because there’s are players that acquired thousands in a couple hours. Bungie reacted at the speed they did not because this threatened the game world. It threatened their plan for the players. A number of the community got out of their choke hold so they had to double down and clench their fists as tight as possible.

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          • I think this is a fair update, though I feel like the weekly bounties should give more. Let's say, three enhancement cores and three mod components in addition to the other stuff. Otherwise, I support this move.

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          • Gunsmith Mats -> Glimmer is cool. Would be much cooler if you raised the glimmer cap exponentially. Between infusion and raid banner/spider materials purchase, I'm not personally strapped for glimmer but it's generally on the lower end. Multiple daily bounties? Can we be specific? The update this week provided specific numbers on things, like drop rate percentages. I get that you might not be 100% sure on specific details just yet but like... are we talking three dailies? Ten dailies? Are you raising the pursuit space cap to accommodate this change as well as whatever other ridiculous bounties the next DLC adds in? You gotta stop staying in the shadows. The more detailed you are at the start of news being dropped the earlier you can receive feedback, possibly do things like run polls to figure out preferred courses of action, maybe even post them on the newsfeed on your main page?

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          • Gunsmith materials was fine by me, I have thousands!!!!

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          • Clearly bungie wants to keep cores in infusion so introduce more ways to get them which the community doesn’t want due to more grind. The best thing to do is introduce these add revenue sources but cut all core costs in infusion in half. Leave everything else such as amount for dismantling masterworked gear and cost to masterwork.

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          • So 1 Core for Daily bounties and 1 for Weekly bounties which are more time consuming. Who comes up with these ideas. Having a Weekly Bounty reward somewhere between 5-10 Cores makes more since. It's like the time it takes to do a public event and a strike and getting the same loot. It isn't rewarding, fun or make my time worth it. Mod components..good idea. Cores...time to start stacking pink slips on DEVS!

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