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Edited by a_dmg04: 4/10/2019 8:28:14 PM

Continued Enhancement Core and Mod Component Discussion

Hey all, A few weeks back, we talked about Enhancement Cores coming from Gunsmith bounties in the [url=]TWAB[/url]. I wanted to give a quick update on this, as it also involves Mod Components, which have been a topic of discussion as well. Please note- this is all still in development for Season of Opulence, and could change. [quote]• Originally announced in the TWAB, these bounties would cost Gunsmith materials. This has been changed to Glimmer. • There will be multiple daily bounties to complete, each rewarding one enhancement core and two mod components • There will be two weekly bounties to complete. These will each grant one enhancement core, one mod (Weapon or Armor), and other materials or reputation/rank points depending on the objective of the bounty. • Note: When I say rank points, think Valor or Infamy, **not** Glory.[/quote] The team is continuing to evaluate feedback over mod components, enhancement cores, and rewards all up. Thank you for the continued feedback. We'll give you updates as we have them.

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  • Remove Cores from Infusing

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  • if they get removed from infusion i will consider your next pass.

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    • Alrighty. It's not even a week and you have another 2000 posts, telling you folks that your designs for Cores are terrible and they need to be altered. We are not asking for Cores to ripped out of the game entirely. We are asking them to be removed from Infusion. People are already proving how meaningless the cost is. You can bypass it entirely by not Infusing until Max Power. People are trying to defend Cores in Infusion with this very fact, when it in fact does the opposite. Why charge Cores at all if we can just slap on anything we get until we finally hit that shitty, meaningless number cap? I'm sorry, but once we find the weapons and armor that not only has the perks to suit our playstyle, but also looks good to us, we should be able to stick with it without spending end-game currency on it. That's terrible game design and having to do Bounties for a single unit of that end-game currency constantly is boring. Please consider just biting the bullet and remove the cost. Let us focus our Cores onto upgrading our favourite gear and return Infusion to what it was prior to Forsaken going live. [b]It is not that hard.[/b]

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      6 Replies
      • remove the cores! nothing else is acceptable

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        • Edited by COMBATICUS: 4/18/2019 11:07:40 PM
          What is there to evaluate? It's just an awful material/currency to be added to infusion. When I had friends on, when they actually played and gave you guys benefit of the doubt. None of them were able to fully masterwork a gear. Because the fact they had multiple weapons and gears they preferred it was difficult for them to pick if they want to fully masterwork a gear or 2 or upgrade other stuff they like. While there are some out there that live and breath destiny 2 and have the cores to do what they want. Some of us believe it or not love to play other games as well, so they cant be on destiny 24/7. The infusion system was fine, heck even the materials and extra legendary shards that got increased for infusion was fine as well, so why, why add an extra currency to infusion that not a single player asked for? Simple answer just to throttle our experience. Believe it or not it actually giving you guys the opposite effect, ppl leaving or just not caring or not even wanting to fully masterwork a gear/s . It's a shame you guys still repeating the same 2 liners. Stop evaluating and start listening and give the players what they asked for. Keep the cores for 2 things, 1. To masterwork the gears and to change mods like it was before. I just dont get it with you guys. I'm doing the best to try to keep coming back to destiny. I like destiny, I like what you created, but D2? Just disappointment rollercoaster ride from start to finish. And when you do give players what they asked for, what they been giving feedback towards, you guys always and I repeat always!!!!!!! Add something on top of it to make it just as worse or to counter the good that you guys did. It's like 2 steps forward but 10 backwards. I might not be playing anymore, but I do care what happens to destiny world you guys created. Maybe one day you guys can pull me back in, and to get that same feeling I had through out D1, but I might be just having any to much of high Hope's here. And if this is what you truly gonna keep doing. Then I'll just shelf my destiny copy and move on to other games, if that's what you guys want, congrats you have succeeded.

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          • The thing that has always bothered me about destiny, even since d1, is the ever changing econimies. I mean I can't even remember half the names of random shit I've had to grind for only for it to become obsolete. Anybody remember what that thing was called from the prison of elders that was essential to progress at the time? What I'm getting at is that I would like some currency consistency, so if you guys are looking for a long term structure of resourse currency and upgrade paths then yeah I'm down with trying to find new uses for existing assets, but by the traveller of all the things to stick on why choose masterwork cores. Before you say it I know they are not called that anymore I just thought it fitted the tone of the post. Thank you.

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            4 Replies
            • Roughly 6k replies across two threads about core cancer almost unanimously all saying "we don't want cores in infusion." We are being locked into static builds in a game where chasing & using gear is supposed to kinda be the point. I fail to see what there is to discuss.

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              38 Replies
              • plz remove cores from infusion.

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                • I’ll make it simple for the devs: GET ENHANCEMENT CORES OUT OF INFUSION. Anything less is unacceptable.

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                  • I am starting to think that bungle does not know what a discussion is

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                    • See my tag line? Do it for your own sake, because in 6 months time it’ll be too late. You will have pissed off that many people and BL3 will have just been released, that your loyal fan base will have voted with their feet. The next Annual pass will be a huge flop, Mark my words, Borderlands 3 won’t have killed this game/franchise. Your mismanagement/ indulgence of the Investment Team and their arrogance and stubbornness will have killed the game, Bungie. Despite refusing to play D2 since February, I still want this franchise to succeed and actually reward our time investment and brand loyalty. It is called Enlightened Self-interest. Just remove Enhancement Cores from infusion.

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                      10 Replies
                      • Just my usual relink to the poll on cores Drop a vote and a bump ✊

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                        • This "discussion" has, thus far, been as meaningful and impactful as having cores in Infusion.

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                          3 Replies
                          • You do realize discussion means that you guys actually need to respond right? You DO know how the concept of a discussion works right???

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                            3 Replies
                            • The light cap is increased every three months so we are lucky just to reach the cap let alone infuse equipment we actually want to use

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                              • Wouldn't it be great if bungle actually discussed anything?

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                                2 Replies
                                • ye bungie need to start talking to there fans about what should be added and what should be removed they never talk to anyone im glad they had a comunity summit back in march mabye that will have a possitive impact on season of opulence cause if it is just as bad as BA or JW idk what im going to do with this game

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                                  • Bungie, instead of making things hard, why not to make as is should be? E.Cores - for Masterwork Max light level - Raids\Special event\Iron banner as was in D1. thats it.....and then it will be perfect, more people will participate in the events\raids to get max power lever and core for masterwork should drop less as a quality item .

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                                    16 Replies
                                    • i dont play as much because of core cost. this is down to how i want to play - i got my preferred weapons and gear, that complement the supers etc im running on each character. i set mine up not for an ingame purpose but for how fun i find them to play. i keep several weapons in my inventory for each slot, so when i get sniper bounty from devram i can swap to a sniper and do it, im not limited to whatever i got currently and changing weapon if ai get a higher one - which means when i get a higher one i want to INFUSE but the cores dont drop much if at all once you did the 6 bounties from the sniper. and i dont get enough legendary shards from dismantle to keep buying the cores from spider. these two things, plus all the ether spirals i dont have anything to spend on, mean that when the cores are done, i dont see the point in playing. i still get annoyed when i need cores to infuse a handcannon into another handcannon just because they have different names. i can sort of get why blues need more cores because they are inferior to purples... but when the cores stop dropping (or the pretend network errors - contacting d2 servers happens a lot for no reason lately) then i stop playing - and its not like i feel like playing other games even. often i wind up writing instead. because the cores dont drop. once i get gear that does what i need for how i play my three, i dont want to change. with weapons i have jotuun now, and for now its a keeper, but otherwise i keep autorifle, bow, handcannon, and machine gun. otherwise my chars might hang onto a black armory pulse rifle and submachine gun, or they might store them. but i will NEVER run a shotgun. if i cant infuse it, it gets dismantle. im not interested in fusion rifles because theres a 90% chance by time its finally got round to firing that the target is evading and you dont hit it. i only run sniper for bounties because no weapon that uses green ammo has much magazine capacity, and i got more out of running ringing nail with ace of spades on my hunter - both use same ammo type. my warlock uses two exotic bows mainly switching from the arc one only if need the void bow. ringing nail is on her purely for public events or solar bounty and blind well, or when she does rumble because ether doctor is like a mini machine gun with its mag size but it does take time to down a shield so ringing is better in pvp. my titan is void and again the gear worn complements playstyle - mods to make up deficient in areas like mobility or resilience etc, uses crimson (swapped with my hunter - both are fun but crimson has kill counter) and ringing nail, also had misfit - and machine gun. all 3 actually have a sword for black armory bounty and all have a spiteful fang bow to swap to for same reason. and thats the problem. if i was just a weapon junkie who didnt care what i was using, and enjoyed all of them, fine - but im not. because if i was just able to use anything i wouldnt need to use cores until i hit 700 and then i could just instantly fully masterwork everything and be done with needing them for a while. BUT then when the cap goes up, back in the infusion issues... not enough cores. i hate shotguns which are useless, fusion rifles which are only good for hitting dead targets that are not moving, or missing live ones, or hitting the gunship in cabal mining but not doing as much damage as a machine gun. trace rifles - i loved those but now they use green ammo, which doesnt seem to drop often as primary, and werent as effective as other weapons... and so they dropped out of my armory entirely. i would play a lot more like i did before the system was changed to need cores to infuse, before osiris and warmind, if cores dropped more. one way would be to not need cores if your infusing a handcannon of same type - rare, legendary, exotic - into the same kind. keep it as now if infusing say exotic into a legendary. that would mean cores would only be needed for cross type - say, sniper into a bow. but it still wouldnt be ideal. if there was another vendor offering bounties that resulted in cores, then it would probably double the numbers of cores - because right now after the bounties spider does are gone, you rely in buying lagendaries from the world vendors and banshee in masses and hoping for a masterworked one to drop (=1 core for sure minimum) or random dismantling of them in large numbers will provide random number of cores. very occasionally. remember, you like to gate content behind power level, and now behind pseudo-strikes (okay i dont mind that all that much for black armory, except when you spawn me alone in an ignition and not bother to drop anyone else in...) or worse behind a long quest that requires the raid or requires multiple occasions of pvp. being GATED behind soemthing means you have no reason to play it if because you have no cores dropping, and need them for infusion, and the bounties are done... you cant play the gated content anyway because you dont have the level. or you arent comfortable with the high level gear you are keeping, but NOT USING because you will be playing next tuesday, possibly wednesday, for cores to infuse it, probably get another prime engram, but cant infuse it, so stop playing for another week.

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                                      • This is hilarious. Its like a billionaire feeling good about dropping pennies on the floor for people to pick up.

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                                      • Enhancement cores should be completely removed from infusion and used only to masterwork weapons/armour. It is not a difficult concept to grasp. Bungie is evidently spending a lot of time trying to balance an economy when they should just listen to the community on this. Remember when Bungie stood by double primaries?... just listen to your community. Making infusion a meaningful choice is meaningless. I infuse whatever I want and never masterwork anything. That is my choice and it isn’t meaningful. The payoff for a fully masterworked weapon/armour in no way justifies the amount of time it would take to grind out the cores. It’s just a broken system purely because infusion relies on cores. It was put in place at a time when there was nothing to do for people who invest large amounts of time into the game. Masterwork cores were a super rare item that allowed you to make your Better Devils stand out from my Better Devils. It is just not relevant any more. Yes, cores for masterworking but not for infusion.

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                                        • So is this ever going to be an actual discussion? Now this is just my personal opinion, but i don’t think our feedback goes anywhere.

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                                          1 Reply
                                          • Just remove cores from infusion. It's unnecessary and only further adds to a grind that nobody enjoys.

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                                            1 Reply
                                            • So 2000+ comments on this thread and 4000+ on the first discussion post. Virtually all of those 6000+ comments are saying the same thing... Cozmo /dmg, we get you guys are in a tough position and there is probably guidelines on what you can say and how you can say it. But that this stage I think we deserve an honest response, not from you but from this team that is flat out refusing to listen to our feedback. What are they saying, why are they saying it. If you won't budge, give us the real reason why, not the BS 'oh its meaningful and impactful'. I think we at least deserve to know.

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                                              4 Replies
                                              • Edited by Xc_LuxZenRa: 4/15/2019 9:38:57 PM
                                                [b]Answer my question. Why do they have them as bounties instead of them being possible rewards from activites players would enjoy like E.P. Blindwell, and The reckoning?[/b] Who would it harm if you didnt attach cores to infusion? No one. It makes no sense. I would enjoy my time in destiny a lot more doing the things i enjoy as opposed to doing thinks that i dont. If i just play the game i dont accumulate cores.... if you do the bounties on all 3 of the characters you get 28 cores..... those play sessions are not quick. It is a long process before you can play what you want. When you have to convince me the job is Good instead of me convincing you i am good for the Job we have it backwards. Dont you see that? If the player perception is i am not having fun, im out. you should not have to convince them to play. Period. Everytime we get new content this issue pops up like crazy. Do you really think the problem is with the players or with the game???? stop telling the player how to play. That is the MAIN ISSUE. dont you see that? Doing spider bounties is play flow disruption......half the bounties are standing around waiting for an Hvt...

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                                                1 Reply
                                                • I'm seeing the same thing over and over. And I agree. How can bungie not see that no one wants cores? You should level by playing.. Not stopping to grind for a core.. It's ridiculous.

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